[MF] Part four of the stories about the sex my wife and I had when we started seeing each other

Here is part four of the sex that my wife (f18 when this story takes place) and I (m, also 18 then) had when we first started seeing each other. Some of these are more tame than others, and some ended up in public places. I’d say to check out part [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r3n3h1/first_story_about_when_my_wife_f_and_i_m_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) first, and then go chronologically from there. The first story has links to all the others.

So in the last story, we made out in the backseat of her car after a movie, and I finally got to see and suck on her breasts for the first time. Both being from conservative families, it was hard to find excuses to see each other all of the time. I also hadn’t convinced her to send me any sexts (this was back before we had smart phones. The slider phone reigned supreme). So essentially the only way I got to see her naked was when we were alone in her car.

Third story about when my wife [F] and I [M] first started dating — and fucking

Ok, here goes part three of the stories about the sexual adventures my wife and I had when we first started seeing each other. Check out the [first](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r3n3h1/first_story_about_when_my_wife_f_and_i_m_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) two stories for more of the background. This is gonna be another long read.

After our, er, adventure in the back of the cross country car, when she had her first ever orgasm by grinding against my thigh 6 inches behind our classmates, we decided to actually start dating. Both of us coming from conservative parents (hers religious and mine just prudes), it was a little weird to go from bathing naked in a creek in the woods and having her basically fuck my thigh in a crowded car to having our first official date a week later. I was surprisingly nervous. I knew we were matched on a physical level, but past that?? I had no idea.

Second story about when my wife [F] and I [M] started seeing and sleeping with each other.

Here’s part two of the stories about the sex my wife and I first had when we started seeing each other (both 18 at the time, but this is a definite flashback since we’re both in our 30s now). I’d definitely recommend reading them in order. Where the last one left off—we had been texting back and forth and flirting for a while now, and then after a really muddy cross country practice, we both washed off completely naked in a stream in the woods where we had been running. The first story details this account. This next part is about where we went after seeing each other mostly naked before we even touched each other. Another long read:

Things weren’t really awkward after bathing in the stream. Really, we were both so horny for each other that it was just really hot. But she was nervous to do too much too fast, given her conservative parents, and I was a virgin too (not for any religious reasons etc, I was just shy and awkward around girls). I liked her so much that I was definitely willing to take things as slow as she wanted, even if it gave me blue balls all the time for those first few months.

First story about when my wife [F] and I [M] first started to see each other (and have sex).

Ok, so I figured that I would tell some of the stories about how my future wife (f) and I (m) started hooking up when we were in high school. We’re in our 30s now so these are definitely flash backs, but I’ll tell them as accurately as I can remember. It kinda starts off mild, and if people like it enough I’ll post more. We had some fun and fairly public sex quite a bit. This is kinda long, but I want to give to clearest picture I can.

It starts in cross country practice when we were seniors in high school, both 18. We had met the year before, when we were juniors, and we were friendly but never anything more than that. I always thought she was hot—athletic, with small breasts that still always managed to bounce when she was running, dark red hair, a cute butt, and really nice legs. That first year, it was hard for me not to look and her and wonder what she looked like naked. But I was really shy and awkward around girls, so I just admired her from afar.