My [F]irst Fuck After 10 Years of Faithful [M]onogamy

It was my first physical encounter with someone after 10 years of a monogamous relationship. I was entirely faithful from the day we began dating to this night I’m writing of. Of course, I’m told I could have most any man I wanted any time I wanted, but I made a commitment that my partner would be my only for as long as we were together. I had chances. I also wanted to take them, but I didn’t. That’s ten years of depriving myself of my needs.

My partner and I opened our relationship after admitting we felt we missed out on getting to have more than just a few sexual partners. We agreed to be non-monogamous, and neither of us wanted to know about the others endeavors.

I am careful to reveal my arrangement where I live because of my work situation, so I’d talked to my first side piece for a few months as friends, and as I sensed he was trustworthy and non-judgmental, I revealed my secret.

My [F]irst BDSM Scene Happened in [M]anhattan

Scroll to the …… for the light play. Scroll to the ***** for the good shit.
I met Sir on Reddit. We’d been chatting a few months on a messenger app. Finally, A rainy Tuesday morning in June, we met. I walked down the front steps of my apartment in the West Village and spotted him immediately. I’m certain I had a stupid smile on my face the entire walk toward him. Once I got to him, we hugged, and he gave me a peck on the cheek. We decided to head to breakfast to make sure we were both comfortable with proceeding after meeting in person. We ordered and chatted about superficial things. I can’t recall a single topic we broached. I already knew I wanted him to fuck me. We paid and headed back to the apartment so that he could drop his bag. We planned to go to a few museums during the day and to drinks & dinner that evening before we’d begin a scene. Sir is quite into toying with arousal and subsequently, denial.
