The time I [M] fucked a mil[F] stranger on the train

I live in a major US city and I take the train to and from work Monday-Friday. I usually hate the train, it’s hot, crowded, and there’s always some idiot that doesn’t realize they need to behave like a normal person in public. The funny thing is that in this story I’m recounting, I was an idiot that didn’t realize I needed to act like a normal person in public.

The one thing I’ve learned to love about riding the train and living in a big city in general is the fact that I see so many hot women of so many variations every. single. day. It’s fantastic. I find you can peek up dresses every time you walk up the stairs at these train stops, you can peek down the shirts anytime you’re standing and a girl is wearing something low cut near you.

I’m sure that comes off as kind of creepy but I don’t mean it to be, I’m just incredibly horny and every attractive woman I see I like to check her out if there’s an easy opportunity.

I went 3/3 on Halloween in college [MF] pt2

I’m new to reddit so idk how to link but go to my profile if you’d like to read pt 1.

So on Friday I had no classes and was drinking all day with my friends. I was feeling like a hotshot because of the night before.

Tonight there was a party at a girls house that we were friends with and we were planning on going there and then hitting the bars after. I can’t remember if I dressed up or not but I remember almost everything else.

So we get to the party, I’m pretty drunk from pregaming all day. It starts kinda small but turns into a rager pretty quickly.

I see this junior girl I know that I’ve flirted with at the bars before, we’re at her house. She’s dressed a typical slutty school girl but she’s also put a vampire twist on it. She’s got beautiful red hair, about 5’6, a huge ass and nice tits. She’s a total babe. I decide to go talk to her because she looks amazing and we’ve had a connection before.

I went 3/3 on Halloween weekend in college [MF] pt 1

This is just pt 1, I didn’t want it to go too long I’ll post the rest later.

This happened about 6 years ago and still probably the best sex experience(s) I’ve had because of the randomness of it all.

I’m a tall, brown haired, skinny, average looking, but I’ve got a pretty big dick by all research I’ve done and from what my partners have told me.

I’ll try to keep this as short as possible but given the fact this is 3 different stories it might be a bit long.

When I was a sophomore in college (west coast) I was getting laid all over the place, I was new in a fraternity and getting wasted all the time. Like I said I’m pretty average looking but I tend to be decent with girls and when I’m really drunk I seem to get laid a lot (probably because I have no filter and lower standards).

This happened the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night of Halloween.