At the world’s largest otaku event, Comiket in Japan, the event brings together the greatest enthusiasts of all tribes. From hentais doujins (work by professional amateur artists) that are manga (Japanese comics), light novel writers, game programmers and the well-known cosplayer bringing their most realistic makeup and fantasies possible.
From doujins to cosplay, the biggest attraction turns out to be the most famous cosplayer that are present bringing to life characters that only have us cartoons and comics. The chance of the otakus to see their beloved heroine stand before you even if it is a staging.
Enthusiasts are demonstrating at the event with their professional cameras not wanting to miss the best pose and best photo of the event.
Even though I’m a Cosplay enthusiast, I didn’t come to admire and take pictures of them but to help my cousin who came to visit me in Japan to sell her erotic doujins.
My cousin is dressed up in a character named Shinobu from Monogatari series, a fairly famous soap opera worldwide.
This character is portrayed as a little girl in her twelve years wearing a white dress, a long blond hair and a big straw hat.