My [F]riend crash at [M]ine and we had a threesome with my girl[F]riend

I (29M) am a huge man slut.

I have this friend, let’s call her A (29F) that lives quite far away from the city center and needs two hours to her office. As I live more centrally, she asked me if she could crash at my couch after her evening date in the city that ended up kinda fruitless. As a good friend I did welcome her with open arms. At the same time my gf (27F, we are in an enm-relationship and she is bi, lets call her B) was also staying at mine just to hangout so the two of them ended up meeting each other for the first time.

We stayed up till 6am just talking about life and stuff getting along very well. Only problem was that my gf had an early doctor appointment and therefore had to wake up at 9am again to go there. A went to sleep on the couch and I stayed up longer with my gf because we felt like there was no point in sleeping anymore. After B left I had a short online work meeting and had to ask my friend to change from my couch in the living room to my bed in the bedroom so that I would not bother her and vice versa.