Professor Andrew’s Desk [MF]

Allison stood at the door, breathing in deeply to steel her nerves. On the other side was the person she’d been fantasizing about for months, and she was going to finally try her luck at winning him over. It was now or never — the academic year was going to end soon, and this was her last chance.

With long blonde hair and a curvy figure, it was already difficult for most men to deny her. But this was different. She had to try harder this time. Looking down at her rather revealing tank top and miniskirt to make sure everything was perfect, she knocked at Professor Andrew’s door. Upon hearing a “Come in!” she entered, heels clacking on the floor.

Andrew sat behind his desk, a stack of papers in front of him. Brownhaired and bespectacled, he looked up at her, and she felt like she was melting under his gaze. The feeling intensified as his eyes immediately flitted over her entire body, and who could blame him? She’d picked out those clothes with every intention of removing them for him later, and she knew she looked tempting.

Taking requests if you have something you want to see written!

Hey! I’m a new erotica writer, just started off by posting a couple of paranormal erotica shorts on Literotica and Tumblr and I plan to write more until I’m confident enough to take commissions sometime in the future. But I’m not exactly sure what to write further (not boxing myself into a single genre/niche for now) so if anyone’s got any ideas, requests, etc, I’d greatly appreciate it!

This is all free of course, just expanding my “portfolio” so to speak. Leave me a comment/PM if you’d like me to write something! I will be posting the end result here and to my blog/Literotica as well. Will write basically anything except bestiality/watersports/scat, nothing *too* taboo basically.

If this gets more attention than I expect, I most likely won’t be able to do every request; apologies for that.