I’m a Arab Muslim woman who got into a relationship when I shouldn’t have [MF]

This is a true story. Please don’t dm me creepy things or dick pics. This is just simply me reminiscing and telling a story .

It all started when I was 19. 5’3 Arab Muslim girl growing up in America. My area has relatively a lot of Arabs around but regardless I mainly kept to myself due to shyness. I was the type to admire from a distance. I didn’t really talk to my crushes or boys at all. There was one boy in particular however who I had a crush on all throughout high school. For anonymity reasons we’ll call him “James”. Now i spoke to james here and there in high school but we weren’t anything more than hi and bye and the occasional class conversation.

Now I was a good girl. I hadn’t even had my first kiss yet. But throughout high school James is the one boy I had let my imagination run wild with. I would imagine scenarios of us having sex all the time. In class, at home, In the shower. You name it really. I knew he was a decent size due to word of mouth. “Over 7” was the call. He was also relatively tall. A good 6’2 ish. Athletic but not ripped or anything.