There is a massive tomb known as the **Paris Catacombs**. Millions of bones lay there in rest. Past the labyrinth of skulls and bones is one of many thresholds across the World. A threshold into the depths of Satan’s domain itself encompassing its 7 layers.
“Where those who never knew Christ exist.” Life is simple here, souls roam in peace, aside from the few times demons come and pester them.
Sucka you already know
“Where those who overindulge exist.” The poor souls who were unable to satiate or control their “self-indulgence” as well as those partaking in BDSM
The hoarders, selfish and squanderers of their riches in life. The ones partaking in a variety of harem sizes and polyamorous relationships.
Self-explanatory. Be prepared for a lot of non-consensual acts to be committed by the demons that lay here.
“Rejection of religious and/or political ‘norms’.” The figures losing their status due to pleasure and lust, doomed to never experience such for the rest of their miserable days.
Consists of 3 rings containing various types of criminals: