High School Crush (m/f) (choking)

I was just shopping. Just getting my groceries, like I do every couple of weeks. Today, though, I just so happened to need a cake for a party at work. And the baker just so happened to be my high school crush. So of course I had to flirt a little bit, but I had no intentions. A little bit of flirting became a lot of flirting, which became sitting in the cafeteria area on his break, which became meeting him at his car when he got off work that night. At first we just talked, then he told me that he had a crush on me too in high school. We got to talking about all the times that we had back then, and turns out, we each saw the other as “the one that got away.” I told him about how badly I had wanted to date him, to do all the cute high school stuff with him, but how I would also fantasize about him at night. About him bending me over the desks and taking my virginity. Sneaking out to his Jeep during class and fucking in the parking lot. Fucking in the locker room after his football games. Meeting his family, then fucking in his bedroom while they were down the hall. How my first interest in BDSM started with wanting him to choke and gag me to keep me quiet while we fucked in all these secret places. All the dirty things that a teenage girl shouldn’t have been thinking about at that age, but I was. I started out shy, quietly telling him my fantasies, but as he became more and more interested in what I was saying, the more my shyness turned into more flirting, with me trying to silently tell him that, given the chance, I would still fuck him. Then he started telling me about his dirty teenage fantasies, how he would think about meeting me under the bleachers during football games. Driving in his Jeep, teasing me while he drives. Finding empty classrooms and fucking. And while he was telling me about his fantasies, his hand started inching closer and closer to me, until it finally reached my knee. Then it started inching higher and higher up my leg. When it was about mid-thigh, I readjusted myself so that my legs were spread over so slightly, letting him know that I was okay with him touching me, inviting him to do more. He kept going higher and higher up my leg, and pretty soon, he reached as high as he could go. He started tracing his fingers over the seams of my jeans, up and down my thighs, as he kept telling me about the things that he wanted to do to me back then. There was so much tension in the car, I wanted him so bad. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to have him. I leaned in and he met my lips halfway. One hand found its way to the back of my head, and he guided me towards him even more, almost pulling me onto his lap. I climbed across the console, my mouth never leaving his, and sat on his lap, my knees on either side of his legs. His fingers began tangling in my hair, pulling gently. His other hand stayed between my legs, rubbing over my jeans. I reached down and began unbuttoning them, fumbling a little bit, but soon getting it. Both his hands worked around to my ass, and he began to pull my jeans down. I raised myself up off of his lap, breaking our kiss for the first time. We had a little bit of trouble getting them off, but we eventually got it. Then it was his turn to lose his pants. He unbuttoned them and raised himself up enough to pull them down, using his feet to take them the rest of the way off. Our mouths met again, as he grabbed my hips and pulled me back down onto his lap. This time, though, the only thing separating my pussy from his dick was two thin pieces of fabric. I could feel it pressing against me, begging to be let out, begging to be in me.

Fucking my Friend (f/f/m)

It started out normal. We were just chilling, sitting on the couch and watching movies, eating pizza, just hanging out. We had always been friends, maybe a little closer than friends should be, but friends nonetheless. There had always been a little bit of tension between us, a part of each of us had always been curious about what the person they had sleepovers with, gossipped about boys with, hell, even showered with on occasion, tasted like. What it would feel like to kiss her, to be inside of her, how tight she would be, how electric it would be. Now, she was on my lap, and we were kissing like there was no tomorrow. I was holding her ass, she had a handful of my hair, and it was amazing. He sat behind me, staring at us, watching us, and I knew that he was getting harder and harder by the second. I moved my hands up from her ass to the bottom of her shirt, and slipped my hands underneath. I rubbed my fingertips up and down her back, feeling her breathing get heavy on my mouth. I was so scared that she wouldn’t want this, but she had. She had wanted it for as long as I had, and I was driving her just as crazy as she was driving me. I ran my fingers over the hooks on her bra, and considered unhooking them, but decided not to. Not yet. I kept rubbing her back, just barely touching her skin, every so often slipping my hand under the waistband of her pants. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, I needed to get her shirt off, I needed to see her tits. To feel them. To touch them. I needed them. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up, pulling her closer to me at the same time. I broke away from her for the second that it took to pull her shirt over her head, and it seemed like an eternity. As soon as her head was out of the shirt, her mouth crashed onto mine, and her hands were making their way to the bottom of my shirt. She pulled it over my head and pressed her body into mine as our lips met again. I could feel her nipples pressing against my chest, her bra was thinner than I had thought. I pulled her body into mine even harder, and I unhooked her bra. As I did, I heard a zipper. I glanced over to him, he had his pants down to his knees, and I could see his hand moving under his boxers. He was enjoying what he was seeing.

in the shadows (mf) (non-con) (public)

And then Brad-

I told her-

The office has just been-

The kids-

My car-

Blah. Blah. Blah.

The party was too loud. There were too many people talking at once, and none of them were talking about anything important. Even the spiked punch I had already drank four glasses of couldn’t drown out the noise. I was bored, I wanted to go home, and I was horny. The vodka in the punch had worked its way down and I was definitely feeling it, more than just the buzz in my head. I started making my way through the crowd, towards the exit, saying my goodbyes to my coworkers along the way. Finally, I had said goodbye to everyone at the party that I knew, and I made a beeline to the door. While walking around, I had drunk another glass and a half of punch, and I was a little more than tipsy. The only thing on my mind now was getting home, taking my clothes off, and putting my vibrator to good use. I had almost reached the door when someone grabbed my arm and jerked me to the side.

Stranger (MF) (Non-Con)

I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. What’s going on? Who is this? I can’t breathe. 


A hand was over her mouth, a strange, unfamiliar hand. Another was cutting away her clothes. A voice was whispering to her.

Shh. Keep your fucking mouth shut.

She couldn’t have spoken even if she wanted to. His hand was pushing down on her mouth so hard that she could feel her teeth digging into the insides of her lips. 

What’s going on?

She was in shock, everything was in slow motion. She felt him rip her shirt open, and an eternity later, her pants followed. He threw her pants to the side and left her shirt open. She could see his silhouette kneeling over her. She could feel his body heat radiating off of him. She could feel his intentions, as if they were on the same brainwave. And she was scared. Aroused, but scared and confused. She felt his eyes on her, taking in every inch of her. Every curve, every wrinkle of skin, everything. And she knew that he was pleased with what he saw. She knew what he wanted from her, and oddly enough, she wanted to give it to him. He stared at her for what felt like hours, but it was probably only second before telling her what he wanted.