Can hear [m]y neighbours trying to get pregnant

I recently moved to Canada from the UK. I’m living in a pretty nice place Downtown, but unlike my old flat back home, the walls here are paper thin. I’ve met these neighbours a handful of times now, and still don’t know too much about them, but they seem like decent folk based on the interactions we’ve had so far. He’s around my age (36M), she’s a little younger (around mid-20s). They seem happy.

I doesn’t really bother me what people get up to in the privacy of their own homes. Sure, the walls are thin, but we’re all adults here. No big deal. But over the past few weeks there’s been a definite increase in frequency, and I’ve pretty clearly heard her asking him to finish in her and for him to give her his baby. I’ve not been here long, so can’t say for certain if this is just dirty talk for them or not, but it wasn’t like this when I first moved in at least.

I’m not entirely sure how I feel being privy to this kind of information without their knowledge, but I guess only time will tell if it takes or not. It doesn’t seem as if they’ve been wasting any opportunities, put it that way.

Can hear my neighbours trying to get pregnant

I recently moved to Canada from the UK. I’m living in a pretty nice place Downtown, but unlike my old flat back home, the walls here are paper thin. I’ve met these neighbours a handful of times now, and still don’t know too much about them, but they seem like decent folk based on the interactions we’ve had so far. He’s around my age (36M), she’s a little younger (around mid-20s). They seem happy.

I doesn’t really bother me what people get up to in the privacy of their own homes. Sure, the walls are thin, but we’re all adults here. No big deal. But over the past few weeks there’s been a definite increase in frequency, and I’ve pretty clearly heard her asking him to finish in her and for him to give her his baby. I’ve not been here long, so can’t say for certain if this is just dirty talk for them or not, but it wasn’t like this when I first moved in at least.

I’m not entirely sure how I feel being privy to this kind of information without their knowledge, but I guess only time will tell if it takes or not. It doesn’t seem as if they’ve been wasting any opportunities, put it that way.

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