The time I got to, by her request, fuck a lesbian (long)

**NOTE:** Written while super tired. Best I could do. LONG, heavy setup.

Sometimes, things happen that seem too good to be true. I suppose those times are what make a good story or a story worth telling.

I am not Joe Sixpack, but I stay active and have a natural manly shape and porportions and I try to keep myself presentable. I have a deep masculine voice — had a great era in my life when I had a lot of phone sex — and I know how to relate to people.

I wouldn’t say I am especially hot, but I am okay, dude-down-the-street looking and I listen to people and am intuitive about what people need and want. And, I am sexual and sensual.

I think about and talk about sex and sexual things. I think I have decent timing and I know when to retreat, usually, before I offend people.

These are important details, not because I want to wag my cock around, but to explain why I got that once-in-a-lifetime phone call. I don’t really expect that this will be believed, but one late p.m., the phone vibrated and while I didn’t recognize the number, I was curious enough to pick up.

The hottest encounter of [m]y life, with a married woman [f]

I was single after a bad break up. I went online to seek some solace and ended up finding somebody to talk to on Craigslist. The girl advertised for an older guy and in my late 30s, I wasn’t sure if I qualified or not.

We exchanged emails, and things clicked. I looked forward to hearing from her.

I decided total honesty was important and I confessed to my new friend that I was hurting from a breakup and I found her persona hot but I just wasn’t sure if I could follow through too soon.

She confessed that she was married, extremely unhappy sexually, and just wanted to be wanted and likewise wasn’t sure if she would follow through. Her whole marriage was in jeopardy because of sex but also she felt he just didn’t pay attention to her in anyway.

The complete honesty was amazing and we became very close email friends.

(BTW, yes I was wrong to keep talking to her. Yes, I should have immediately ended things. I didn’t…. until after this story happened. Can’t change it and not interested in hearing what a bad person I am.)