My friend has a house out in the country which, although a bit sad how he came into it, means that we have a house to use for loud parties. The most recent party, my friend invited his ultimate frisbee team and their friends over. I wore a blouse and a skirt, hoping maybe I could get someone's attention. It was jammed packed and I didn't know at least half the people. At numerous points I couldn't see anyone I knew. At one of these points I decided I should stop trying to find people and just make my way to the living room where there seemed to be a dance floor.
I danced a bit here and a bit there, finishing off my drink. I noticed that I had been dancing next to some guy for a while, I could feel myself backing up against him constantly. As the baseline for the next song started I turned around and faced him. He was taller than me(which honestly is most people) perhaps blonde hair, it was hard to tell with the few colored lights spinning in the room. I let my body move to the base, pressing myself against him. He put his hands on my ass as he moved his body against mine.