The annoying chubby chick seduced me [MF]

People liked my other story so I figured I’d give you another one.

Stephanie was a very poor fit for the people I usually hung out with. In contrast to our artsy, stoner-y friend group, she was buttoned up and high strung. She had absolutely no taste in music but loved luxury things like jewelry and designer fashion. Rude and loud with a voice like nails on a chalkboard. She seemed to be cursed with constantly committing social faux pas—it was almost comical. I knew that she had been able to quickly climb the ladder at her corporate job, but in person she seemed so ditzy and ignorant. Honestly she was a bit insufferable. But we put up with her because she had been childhood best friends with Laura, another girl in our circle. I think Laura brought her around because Stephanie didn’t really have another way to meet guys.

Stephanie wasn’t like obese or anything. She wasn’t even really what I could consider fat. But she had more than just a little extra on her. And she was tall (but not towering) and big-boned, with a large frame. She dressed in a lot of sweaters and baggy clothes and had a long mop of disorganized curly blonde hair. Her figure wasn’t an hourglass but I could still tell she had massive breasts and a huge ass. Still, my friends gave her the unfortunate distinction of the chubby, annoying chick behind her back. That “fat bitch.”

I [M] broke the tension and fucked my ex’s best [f]riend

When I was younger I was good friends with 2 girls, Fiona and Janet. They were best friends but they were complete opposites. Fiona was uptight, insecure, and conservative; Janet was quiet yet easygoing with a wild streak. Fiona was intense about her career and found great success. Janet bounced around various service jobs and partied every weekend. Of course, Fiona was the one I fell in love with and dated for years.

I was always attracted to both of them. Fiona was pale and skinny with big breasts. Janet had darker skin and hair with wide hips and juicy thighs. But unlike Fiona, Janet was *sexy*. In the way she talked and moved and everything else about her. She was confident and mysterious. She was in never in a relationship and usually just hooked up with older men outside our friend group. My friends lusted after her but she wasn’t interested.

After I started dating Fiona, Janet was often the third wheel in our relationship. Going out to eat, to movies, things that friends do. Sometimes it got a little more interesting, like when Janet drove Fiona and me back to my place one NYE. We left Janet to crash on the couch while we had a huge fight upstairs followed by makeup sex. I knew that she gave Janet the intimate details of our sex life, and Fiona had even hinted to me that she bragged to her friends about my penis size.