The Wedding Planner – Chapter 1: Modus Operandi [M/F 20s] [noncon]

It was a fairytale wedding. A beautifully manicured lawn in front of a colonial-era building, standing against the backdrop of the magnificent lake. The sky dyed an impressive orange-red as the sun set behind the mountains in the distance. Families and friends rose from the white and gold Tiffany chairs along the aisle under the strings of fairy lights and cheered as the music started playing through the speakers.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids marched down the aisle which was lined with fresh peonies, roses, and ranunculus in pastel shades, before taking their places on either side of the lucky groom who stood waiting anxiously at the end of the aisle. An adorable pair of flower boy and girl followed, bouncing gingerly down the aisle, tossing flower petals onto the ground. A lady whom I assume to be the parent of either one of them was waving excitedly and snapping photos as they went.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 8: The Last Stand [MF] [Fantasy] [Non-con] [All 18+]

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](] [[Chapter 3](] [[Chapter 4](] [[Chapter 5](] [[Chapter 6](] [[Chapter 7](]

I watched the soldiers go about their day, preparing for their next battle. I was bored to bits. I wish there was someone I could talk to. It had been weeks since we had left the castle. Weeks since I last had my handmaidens with me. Weeks since Arthur rode off with his cavalrymen. Lieutenant Dylan would not tell me where he went, only that it was of utmost importance. The soldiers had kept me safe, making sure that I was a long distance away from the main convoy when we were on the move, keeping me away from the skirmishes and battles. The soldiers kept their distance from me, but I always felt their lustful eyes burning into my skin everywhere I went.

I dusted off my dress as I got up onto my feet. My legs aching from all the walking. My dress was dirty with mud and grime, tattered at places. My frizzled hair swept in the wind that blew across the open grassland. I desperately need to take a bath. I shuddered at the thought of heading to the river again to take a bath. No, not after what happened the last time.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 7: Seeking Alliance [MF] [MFF] [fantasy] [non-con]

The light from the morning sun was too bright. My head was pounding, almost as if it was beating me up from the inside for having drank so much the night before. My face hurts. Why the fuck is my face hurting? Oh right. The princess kicked me in my face last night. I sat up on the bed, and massaged my temples. And where the fuck are my clothes?

The princess was bent at her waist, rummaging through one of the bundles of clothes she packed the day before. Her torn sleeping gown hung loosely off her shoulders. I pushed myself off the bed and walked towards her, uncertain of my own intentions. Was I angry? Or was I sorry? My mind was hazy because of this fucking drubbing in my head.

She turned around, startled, and leapt to her feet when she saw me standing stark naked next to her. She stepped away from me, her eyes darting between my face and my exposed cock. I took a step towards her, reaching out my hands, unsure of what I actually wanted to say or do. She retreated. I followed her, matching each of her backwards steps with a forward step of mine until she found herself sandwiched between me and the wall behind her back.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 7: Seeking Alliance [MF] [MFF] [fantasy] [non-con]

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](] [[Chapter 3](] [[Chapter 4](] [[Chapter 5](] [[Chapter 6](]

The light from the morning sun was too bright. My head was pounding, almost as if it was beating me up from the inside for having drank so much the night before. My face hurts. Why the fuck is my face hurting? Oh right. The princess kicked me in my face last night. I sat up on the bed, and massaged my temples. And where the fuck are my clothes?

The princess was bent at her waist, rummaging through one of the bundles of clothes she packed the day before. Her torn sleeping gown hung loosely off her shoulders. I pushed myself off the bed and walked towards her, uncertain of my own intentions. Was I angry? Or was I sorry? My mind was hazy because of this fucking drubbing in my head.

She turned around, startled, and leapt to her feet when she saw me standing stark naked next to her. She stepped away from me, her eyes darting between my face and my exposed cock. I took a step towards her, reaching out my hands, unsure of what I actually wanted to say or do. She retreated. I followed her, matching each of her backwards steps with a forward step of mine until she found herself sandwiched between me and the wall behind her back.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 6: Sir Clayton’s Tale [MF] [fantasy] [non-con] [creampie]

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](] [[Chapter 3](] [[Chapter 4](] [[Chapter 5](]

“For your brave contributions to the glorious Kingdom of Georia, I crown thee Sir Clayton, Knight of the Highest Order.” Olivia spoke with the best impression she could muster of her father’s voice as she re-enacted the scene of my knighting earlier in the day.

Olivia wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a deep passionate kiss. “Oh Clayton, do you think my father will approve of us being together now that you are a knight?” Olivia pondered.

A knight and a royal princess. What a perfect match, right? Well, that only happens in fairy tales. In real-life, in Georia at least, princesses are reserved for kings and princes and leaders of powerful foreign nations. They are traded for favours, married off for a truce.

“Maybe if you are no longer a virgin…” I suggested, only half in jest, as my hands wrapped around her ass.

“That’s all you think about.” She slapped my hands away as her face blushed red. “You got to wait for our wedding night. For now…” she trailed off as her hands reached for the waistband of my pants.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 5: Trouble at the Castle [MF] [fantasy] [non-con] [creampie]

“I want to bring this. And the blue one. Oh, and that one over there too!” Olivia directed her handmaidens as they helped to pack her clothes. I had to remind her a few times that we were going to be moving on the battlefield and setting up camp in the plains, not going on a holiday to the Erkin Mountains, least she decides to bring the entire castle with her.

I haven’t had the heart to tell her that we would not be bringing any of the handmaids along with us when we leave the castle. We would have to leave them behind. It’s enough hassle travelling on the battlefield with several dozen prisoners of war AND a princess. Having a handful of handmaidens tag along just seemed to be taking things a little too far. Telling her would have to wait.

Olivia’s mood over the past few days had been as erratic as the weather over the Dramadian Sea, as she struggled with her conflicted mind, juggling her love for Clayton and whatever it is she’s feeling about me. She woke up yesterday morning in high spirits and we enjoyed each other’s company in bed the entire morning. By dinner time, she was crying and asking to see Clayton, refusing to let me near her. She seemed to be in high spirits today.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 5: Trouble at the Castle [MF] [fantasy] [non-con] [creampie]

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](] [[Chapter 3](] [[Chapter 4](]

“I want to bring this. And the blue one. Oh, and that one over there too!” Olivia directed her handmaidens as they helped to pack her clothes. I had to remind her a few times that we were going to be moving on the battlefield and setting up camp in the plains, not going on a holiday to the Erkin Mountains, least she decides to bring the entire castle with her.

I haven’t had the heart to tell her that we would not be bringing any of the handmaids along with us when we leave the castle. We would have to leave them behind. It’s enough hassle travelling on the battlefield with several dozen prisoners of war AND a princess. Having a handful of handmaidens tag along just seemed to be taking things a little too far. Telling her would have to wait.

Olivia’s mood over the past few days had been as erratic as the weather over the Dramadian Sea, as she struggled with her conflicted mind, juggling her love for Clayton and whatever it is she’s feeling about me. She woke up yesterday morning in high spirits and we enjoyed each other’s company in bed the entire morning. By dinner time, she was crying and asking to see Clayton, refusing to let me near her. She seemed to be in high spirits today.

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 4: The General’s Sorrow [MF]

Trigger warnings: In addition to the overarching non-con/dub-con themes in the entire story, this chapter and subsequent chapters may contain scenes depicting death. The death scenes take place separately from, and are unrelated to, any of the sexual content in the story. It is not the intention of the author to write about any sexual content relating to snuff.


I smiled as I recalled what happened with Olivia this morning. It was only a hand job, but fuck, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t one of the best orgasms I have had in my entire life. The image of my cum splattered all over her body and the cute little frown on her face will forever be ingrained in my mind.

No. No. We can’t. I can’t. I had consciously been calling her “Princess” instead of her name to avoid getting too attached to her. She’s the daughter of the Georian King. I can’t fall in love with her. The Leader of the Kastran Nation will be furious if he hears about this. What would my troops think of me? Will they still follow me?

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 4: The General’s Sorrow [MF]

Trigger warnings: In addition to the overarching non-con/dub-con themes in the entire story, this chapter and subsequent chapters may contain scenes depicting death. The death scenes take place separately from, and are unrelated to, any of the sexual content in the story. It is not the intention of the author to write about any sexual content relating to snuff.

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](] [[Chapter 3](]


I smiled as I recalled what happened with Olivia this morning. It was only a hand job, but fuck, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t one of the best orgasms I have had in my entire life. The image of my cum splattered all over her body and the cute little frown on her face will forever be ingrained in my mind.

No. No. We can’t. I can’t. I had consciously been calling her “Princess” instead of her name to avoid getting too attached to her. She’s the daughter of the Georian King. I can’t fall in love with her. The Leader of the Kastran Nation will be furious if he hears about this. What would my troops think of me? Will they still follow me?

General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 3: Princess Olivia Settles In [MF]

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](]

The door slammed shut as the General left the room. I pulled myself up from the floor and stumbled towards the dresser, rifling through the clothes before selecting a modest burgundy dress to put on.


“Princess? Are you in there?” Amanda whispered, knocking on the doors.

“Yes! Come in!” I called out, glad to finally be together with a friendly face.

The doors opened and there stood Amanda, accompanied by a soldier. “Oh my god Amanda! What are you wearing?” I asked the handmaiden, surprised to see what she was dressed in. An attire even a tavern whore would have been embarrassed to be seen in.

Amanda placed the tray of food on the table before explaining to me the newly implemented uniform rules for the handmaidens. I sighed and pulled Amanda into my embrace and took brief solace in each other’s company.

“Time to go.” The soldier standing at the door called out, indicating it was time for Amanda to leave. The handmaiden made her exit, leaving me alone in the room with the soldier standing at the door. I could almost feel the lustful eyes of the soldier burning into my skin as he lingered. I felt naked and exposed, even as I was fully dressed. The soldier took his time to appraise body before leaving and shutting the door.