[MF]Software Testing Inspired Porn Story (off askreddit thread, feedback appriciated)


A porno is being made about your job. How does the sex start?


“Diana, I need to talk to you about a bug”

I approached her slender form and crouched besides her chair.

“I raised work item 6937 about it, check it out…”

I repro the issue for Diana as we both notice everyone else has gone home for the day.

“wow, there’s no one left. Why are you working so late anyway?” I asked, setting my hands on the desk next to the tablet.

“Oh, I’ve had to let the plumbers into my house this morning, so I came in late. I’ll be getting off in a few hours anyway” she said, putting her hands closer to mine.

She looked like she hadn’t slept for long this morning, or any morning for the last 10 years. She had a bob, sunken eyes and a quirky foreign accent.

“I’ve just been getting a little sauced off the beers in the fridge and lost track of time. Why don’t we try to reproduce this bug together on your debug build?” I suggested, as we both reached down for the USB connector and inserted it into the tablet together.