Some women just want to watch the world tittyfuck. [MF]

Unfortunately, this story didn’t happen to me — I was way too shy and reserved during the first two years in college. This is a story told to me by one of my close friends at the time, and I’m retelling it here (through his perspective to make things easier). He told me this story as it was happening through several updates, which I’ve chained together here. It used to be a major player in my spank bank but I guess it got pushed out by other things over the years and I sort of forgot about it. The memory recently came flooding back to me, and I figured I’d share it. Obviously I’ve taken a little bit of artistic liberty with some of the more subtle details, but my friend was a pretty vivid storyteller and I think this is pretty close to accurate.
The dorm where I lived in college was co-ed (well, all the dorms there were). Pairs of rooms shared a bathroom to form a suite; suites were same-sex, but two neighboring suites might be co-ed. Floors usually had a fairly even mix of males and females, with shared common spaces but no communal bathrooms or anything. It wasn’t uncommon for neighbors to hook up, be fuck buddies, or try dating. It was inevitable, then, that some people would get reputations as the year went on — “easy” girls, guys who “will fuck anything”, etc.

Initiating her in to our club [M/f/m]

This was back when I was 19 and in college. I had a best friend Jim, and we spent most of our time hanging out. One of us would get our hands on a bottle of booze, and we would stay up all night drinking and playing video games. Basically, your typical nerds. We knew we were geeks and we didn't really care; we were having the time of our lives in college staying up late, eating pizza three times a day, drinking lots of liquor, and trying to meet girls. We weren't so good at that last part, though. Both of us were virgins when we got to college and didn't really know much about flirting, dating, or sex. We both eventually met some understanding girls and got the first time out of the way, though. We also decided to make a "secret society" after reading about Skulls and Crossbones because we thought it was cool. We never wound up doing anything with it but for a while we thought it was really bad ass that we started a secret club, even if it only had two members and never did anything. Like I said, nerds. However, we had a few things going for us. For one, we were both in decent shape. We didn't work out or anything, but we were both tall and blessed with fast metabolisms so the pizza and laziness hadn't done any damage yet. We also both happened to be really good at talking to people. Jim had actually studied social engineering through a book or a website or something. So nerds, yes, but not your stereotypical "neckbeards".

New workout regimen, or, “I lived close to her job, and she had an hour every day for lunch… it was convenience, really.” [M/f]

I met Veronica at a friend's house party. She was pretty, but not stunningly hot. She had some curves, but she wasn't fat. She asked a lot of questions that most of us guys thought were funny, but she wasn't stupid. I guess you could say she was average. She introduced herself as Vera (and that's what her friends called her), but I always called her by her full name because I thought Veronica sounded better. Shallow? Perhaps. We hit it off at the party, and I ended up stealing her phone as a prank. I texted myself from her phone while she giggled and tried half-heartedly to grab it back from me. Later in the night a group of people wanted food from the local, late-night Mexican joint, and I was mostly sober, so I offered to drive. Veronica quickly volunteered to go with me. She was a little tipsy, so I used the opportunity to get her to open up and talk about sex. Basic stuff — what's your favorite position, have you ever done this, etc. Nothing else happened that night. We got back to the party and then I left about an hour later when things wound down. We had each other's numbers now, though, and started texting over a couple days.