Lost My Virginity In A Tipi At A Christian Camp [MF]

Hello reddit first post but just wanted to tell my story of how I lost my virginity. This all happened about a month ago, I am an exchange student from Australia who is visiting Canada for five months and doing my grade 12 here. As well as school I also go to a church youth group that is held once a week on a Tuesday most of my friends from school also attend so it’s mostly pretty fun even though I am not a practicing Christian so anyway the first excursion since Iv been here is too a Christian camp my Canadian friends told me they went last year and that it is really fun and hardly religious at all and all you do is play games so I though heck why not. Fast fa ward to first day at camp it is completely different to what I expect and completely different to what my friends have explained it to me as. We get there the first thing we do is prey for an hour and then sing the same 4 Christian songs on repay for 2 hours after that ordeal is done which left me quite exausted they went over the rules which were stricter then I could of imagined, obvious ones for a Christian camp like no drugs, alcohol smoking stuff like that then they say no chewing gum, 10 pm curfew, no visiting opposite sex dorms. I didn’t really mind as I didn’t really think I would find my self flirting with girls at a Christian camp anyway since I thought they would all be all fridgit and such. After dinner we played a game where we had to run to the opposite side of the room to grab a chair to sit on and the people who missed out had to stand in the middle one of those games you played in grade 6 in gym anyway I break off from my friends and happen to be sitting next to a rather attractive blond I make some joke about how pointless this game is and how on earth your meant to win and she just looks at me with the widest eyes and biggest grin and says “omg what is your accent” to which I just say “um austrailan?” She looked like she wanted to fuck me right then and there it was crazy. Let’s call said girl Lea for simplicity, lea then asks if I want to get out of here I immediately agree and we stealthily sneek out of the game to outside. We small talk for a bit while playing basketball and playing silly games on the court everything was going smoothly I look up and it was a beutiffull full moon. It was kind of an adventure park camp so it was themed all the buildings looked like old Wild West shops and there were native Indian tipis everywhere which were also places of worship with a cross and seats to pray. So as we were playing basketball it was kinda winding down a bit a getting slightly awkward so I looked over and said hey wanna go check out the tipi with the hope in mind the maybe I would score and she would make out with me (I was a kissing virgin as well so that would have been a pretty big deal on its on) she excitedly agrees and we run over, I was freezing my nuts off at the time in pants and a t shirt on a 0 degree night in a Canadian fall so anything to get out of the cold so we get in side it’s nearly pitch black with light shining through the side of the tipi onto he cross with Jesus on it so anyway we talk awkwardly for a few minutes while I decide just to go for it and start making out with her feels pretty amazing after less then I minute of that I have more in mind so I lead her over to the bench and we start hooking up on the bench while I’m on top. I start tugging on her jeans and she just takes them off no questions asked which was way easier then I thought it was going to be and start eating her out, I knew it was kinda disrespectful in a church but didn’t really care either as it was my first pussy and I ain’t gonna turn that down. Anyway we wanted to get back before curfew so they could count us so I basically got blue balled that night but really didn’t give a fuck as I lost my kissing virginity and went down on a girl for the first time on the same night she said we should meet same place next night but ended up getting cock blocked by a mate on the camp when I told him about what happend. Found out later that she had a boyfriend so felt pretty badass that I just cuckholded some dude purely from my accent but it’s just the way she goes I guess.