[FM] I had Trashy Sweaty Sex in a Phone Booth

Throwback story time, but when I was still in my late teens and early twenties I had some pretty wild nights thanks to copious amounts of alcohol and incredibly poor decision making skills.

This one occasion happened while I was back home from university, a few friends and myself decided to go out clubbing for the night. We decided on somewhere a bit more exciting for once, and ended up meeting up in a seaside town in the middle of winter to visit a god awful club. As I said bad decisions are my strong point.

Anyway it was a pretty usual night, we got drunk, took turns slut dropping each other and inevitably ended up flirting with any guy who might buy us a drink. I actually ended up talking to a guy who was pretty handsome, friendly and even funny!, at least to a drunk 20 year old. The night went on and eventually we decided to leave. Now this is where my bad decisions came back to bite me, see there were two train lines into the town and my friends took one while I alone took the other.