Hookup in Atlantic City: Part 2 [MF]

Christina and I got off on our floor and resumed making out as soon as the door closed.

“First room on the left,” Christina said, breaking our kiss. Breaking into a speedwalk, we made it around the corner and Tina quickly stuff the keycard in the slot and opened the door. It didn’t even click shut before I had her pressed up against the wall and we were passionately making out again, my left hand between her legs, furiously rubbing her soaked pussy.

“Help me with my zipper, it’s on my right side,” she gasped. I reached up and fumbled with the tight zipper while I continued to rub her down below. Christina’s pussy was getting wetter and her breathing deeper and quicker. I finally undid the clasp on top and pulled the zipper down. “That’s one thing I hate about these dresses,” she gasped as she pulled off the spaghetti string shoulder straps, allowing the dress to fall, revealing her gorgeous breasts.

Hookup in Atlantic City: The Conclusion [MF]

It Continues

The next morning, Christina and I woke up about the same time. We were on our sides, facing each other when we awoke. As soon as we locked eyes, she smiled. “You shot quite a load last night. I’m still leaking a little bit down though,” she said.

My morning wood got even woodier. “Really?” I asked scooting closer to her till our foreheads were nearly touching. I then slipped my hand down into her panties and slid my middle finger into her vagina, causing Christina to moan. “Yep, that’s pretty wet still. Is that all me?”

“Noo,” she replied, “A lot of that is me too.” She then gave me a long, lingering kiss, at which point I began to rub her more vigorously. Breathing heavily, Christina pulled her shirt and panties off and kicked the covers off the bed. “Quickie before we get going?”

Hookup in Atlantic City: How My Wife and I Tested My Friend’s Moral Character [MF] (VERY LONG!)

I had to break this story up into 3 parts. This is just the introduction/backstory

Skip to **The Beauty at the Bar** section if you want to start where it gets hot…

*Disclaimer: This is not simply a sex story. It’s more of a general story with some hot sex scenes in it.*

It’s been awhile since I’ve written about Christina and I, but I’m back.

Six months prior to this story, we had a new guy, Matt, who joined our agency. Matt quickly fell into the clique at work of myself and my friends Alex, Phil, Corey, and Maxine. We had gone for drinks after work numerous times, we had a few outings on days off, and we had all met for various agency events and such. At the time, Christina and I had been married for about a year and a half, but though I talked about her quite a bit, Matt had never met Christina. Also, Matt did not have Facebook or social media at the time, so he did not even know what she looked like (he’s not really a computer guy). This is important to the story.

The Re-Dedication Adventures: I Try to Re-create Christina’s First Time with Her Ex; it Does Not Go As Planned…but it Ended Better Than Expected! pt.2 [MF]

So, to recap part one of this [adventure](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mxt75g/the_rededication_adventures_i_try_to_recreate/), Christina and I headed out to woods to a ridge overlooking a lake, which was the first place she had ever done anything sexual with her (cheating) ex-husband. When she was with him, it was just touching and oral, but in our “re-dedication” of the moment to each other, we decided to have sex. In the midst of our love making, Tina found that she had been laying in deer shit, and I had some pellets on my hands. Tina is very squeamish, so she freaked out, then got mad at me, as is often her first reaction when she gets panicky, whether it’s my fault or not. We had a short argument and then began to walk back in silence.

I had gone from hot, horny, and over the moon in passionate love to angry with my fiance. I was also angry at myself. She had pulled off the first re-dedication and it was some of the hottest sex we ever had…and this one just shit the bed…or rather the woods. I started kicking myself for not checking around more to make sure there wasn’t shit there. We were in the woods, for God’s sake! But at the same time…I hated the fact that Tina’s anxiety always turned to anger, and that anger often got thrown at the closest person to her…which was me, 9 times out of 10. We’ve been married now five years, and this is a point that we have worked on…but even till this day, it’s not fully fixed yet.

The Re-Dedication Adventures: I Try to Re-create Christina’s First Time with Her Ex; it Does Not Go As Planned…pt.1 [MF]

To give a quick [recap](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mri6k2/the_rededication_adventures_christina_retakes_my/), Christina came up with a really hot idea where we recreated memorable sexual memories we had in prior relationships. The first of these “re-dedications” was a *very* hot bang we had in the conference room of the hotel where I lost my virginity. After we were done, she suggested I bring her somewhere that was significant to her and her ex-husband, Tom.

Now, a little bit about Tina’s ex: He was a typical pretty boy. I had met him a few times when Tina and I worked together (and I was married to my frigid ex-wife, Maddie). He came across as bit arrogant, but certainly charming, and Tina seemed to be crazy about him. He didn’t really have much of a sense of humor, which clashed with Tina, who laughs warped, dirty, and inappropriate stuff that makes most people cringe. All in all, I never was nuts about him. He seemed to look down on Christina, which was ridiculous, because Tina is much smarter than him, and she’s stunningly beautiful. I also didn’t like the fact that he didn’t seem to like her having other male friends, even though Tina was completely loyal to him and HE was the one cheating on her. I REALLY started to hate him when, after he found out that Tina and I were together, he suddenly started contacting her and asking her to reconsider getting back together with him. This was, of course, after a year of them having no contact, and with him having not broken up with the woman with whom he had been cheating on Tina. I’d have confronted him about this but…Christina showed her dark side, ripped him apart, and told him to fuck off forever.

The Re-Dedication Adventures: Christina Re-takes My Virginity [MF]

In the [prologue](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ml3ybg/the_rededication_adventures_the_prologue_mf/), I wrote about how my then-fiance, now wife, Christina, struggles with issues of trust and jealousy over the fact that her ex-husband cheated on her long term before she found out and divorced him. Tina and I have been head over heels for each other since we got together ([Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mj24j5/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mj24j5/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend/)), and we had been harboring feelings for each other long before that. Early on in our relationship, we had a fight when I mentioned that my ex-girlfriend, [Laura](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewholesomestories/comments/mjhe56/the_cute_girl_in_history_class_mf_19_18/), frequented a restaurant she wanted to try. But we made up and talked out her issues of trust, as well as my need to be patient with her and not lash out. Tina decided to make a bit of a game out of her trust and jealousy over my past partners (of which they were not many, but still…). Part of it was therapeutic…but it was mostly just for fun.

**My Proposal; Inadvertently Planting an Idea**

The Re-dedication Adventures: The Prologue [MF]

Like all great series, I believe in giving a recap at the beginning of each episode:

In [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mj24j5/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend/), I introduced Christina, my beautiful former supervisor and close friend. We were both married to other people during the three years we worked together, but I had a guilty crush on her, as my marriage was miserable. I left that job and lost contact with her. In that time, both our marriages ended in heartbreaking divorces. We reunited at a leadership conference in Boston and, through a mishap on the hotel’s part, ended up sharing a room. She confessed that she had had feeling for me for a long time, and I told her the same. This led to a passionate session of lovemaking.

In [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mj24j5/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend/), much to my happiness, it became clear the next morning that the previous night was not a one night stand, and we were indeed officially a couple. After the boring conference, we headed out to an expensive steakhouse to celebrate our new relationship. Tina was absolutely breathing taking, jaw dropping hot that night, dressed in a black, low cut sundress that she knew would get me going. The night ended with us back at the hotel, having mindblowing sex, then us confessing to each other that we were, and long had been, in love. That love is still going strong; we got married a year and half afterwards, and have been married for five years now with one, soon to be two, kids.

I (M30) and My Former Supervisor and Close Friend (F29) Reconnect and Ignite our Repressed Attraction [MF] Pt. 2: Femme Fatale

TL;DR at bottom

To recap [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mib7ev/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend/), I had originally known Christina as my beautiful and awesome former supervisor at my first full time job out of college, where I worked for three years. I harbored a longtime, somewhat guilty crush on her that I couldn’t act on as we were both married, though my marriage was miserable and emotionally abusive. I later left that job for a higher paying, but much more miserable job, and lost contact with my beloved former manager. I then got fired and my wife left me, sending me into severe depression. I eventually got a better job and things started looking up, leading to my agency sending me to a leadership conference in the Boston area.

Meanwhile, Christina had a rough go as well. When I her closest friend informed her that I was leaving, she had just suffered a miscarriage and learned that her husband had been having an affair. She then went through a quick but ugly divorce. Oh, and something I didn’t mention the first part, everybody knew how close Christina and I were, and because her divorce and my leaving happened at the same time, the rumor went around that it was Christina who cheated with me. She got hauled into a board meeting and questioned about violating relationship policies, and quite angrily tore them a new one for calling into question both her, and my, morality, based on rumor mill. Needless to say, she was badly depressed and anxious for awhile too. However, we reconnected when I found out that we were going to the same conference.

I (M30) and My Former Supervisor and Close Friend (F29) Reconnect and Ignite our Repressed Attraction [MF]


The early-2010s were hell on me, but it was worth it, because it led to this! This story takes place about five years ago. This is a long story, so settle in!

I had gotten married to my first wife, Maddie, right after we graduated college. She was the second woman I had dated in college, [Laura](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kpzaio/the_cute_girl_in_history_class_mf_long/) being the first. Frankly, I should have seen the signs that it was going to be hell with Maddie. To make a long story short, we ended up getting married. By the end of the honeymoon, it was clear that I had made a mistake. For the next five years, I was in a loveless, and nearly sexless marriage with an unpleasable narcissist.

The Cute Girl in History Class [MF] [LONG]

TL;DR at bottom

So, for those of you who read about my hookup with [Katrina](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kojpiv/it_started_with_an_impromptu_lap_dance_f_it_ended/) at a UN conference, my sexual exploits for the next few months were rather disappointing. I was still thinking that I would rather have a girlfriend than just hook up with girls. But when my dating life didn’t get any better, I figured I’d try a few hookups, but they all ended without satisfaction, and most ended before sex. It turns out, Katrina was just really sensitive and easy to please; I wasn’t a natural born sex god. I had to learn and read how to do various things PROPERLY. So, for awhile, things went back to, as the Lonely Island put it, “the not havin’ sex ways of the past.”