Nice Surprise

“Jon? It’s 5:30 in the morning, what are you doing here?” Jon stood in the doorway, a soft smile on his lips. He was wearing a t-shirt and pants, along with his boots. I stood to the side, motioning him inside. I looked down at myself as he walked inside, my shorts and tank top not leaving much to imagination. I cleared my throat as he sat down, smiling a bit as my nerves begin to start off.

“I just came to surprise you.” He leaned back, his arms outstretched on the top of the couch. He looked so relaxed. I eyed him up and down, blushing a bit as the thought of his arms around me invaded my mind. “Well it’s a nice surprise. Would you like anything to drink?” I stand next to him, smiling a bit, making my ass pop out a bit just to see if he’d notice. He sat forward and chuckled, his finger softly brushing up against my knee. “Honestly, a glass of you would be great.”