Wendy had been a student at the local college for a year. She was studying economics. It wasn’t her first choice. She would have preferred to be a math major, but she couldn’t pass the fourth trigonometry class. Her advisor had advised her to retake it, but she felt because she had earned a D- that retaking would not actually improve her grade. The fear of getting something lowing forced her to switch majors completely. Being an economics turned out to be better than she expected.
As a junior in high school Wendy had a boyfriend, Harvey, who she met at her after school job at the Target. Harvey was a senior at the private school near her school. He was a tall, decent shaped, brown hair boy. His family was not wealthy, which was odd. The private school had a minimum $15,000 deposit for students to start. Harvey was smart. Some said he could be president one day, but who doesn’t say that to a kid? Regardless the private school gave him a full ride. Within the school Harvey was one of twenty kids who got full rides. Harvey appeared to be a parent’s first choice for their child to date. He was respectful, smart, and thoughtful. But he had a secret.