Part of the Hive [Fantasy][Noncon][Insect][Oviposition]

Olivia’s clan had known about the hellwasps. They had built their village far from the forest where the vile insects made their nests, perched upon the edge of a sea-facing cliff. So it was only occasionally that one of the demons made the strange journey across the open fields between the treeline and the clifftop town: something that was easily handled by a squad of their capable warriors. Olivia wondered if their complacency in that fact had been their downfall.

She was just such a warrior that would be sent out to deal with the stray insects; monstrosities that grew nearly to the size of the hunting dogs that were locked inside when the telltale buzzing filled the air. That’s why she had jumped out of her bed that morning, grabbed her sword and rushed from her home. Her neighbours had looked to her for guidance, each one having felt the same deep trembling in the ground. Then, not long after, the humming began. It was quiet at first, just a nagging tug at the back of her ear, but it grew louder as the day went on, until it nearly drowned out all other noise. A dark cloud formed on the horizon, and she remembered the fear that had bubbled up in her throat when she saw it. She knew now what had happened: a landslide had torn through the paper-like hives of a hellwasp colony, displacing them and sending them into a rage, fuelled by the search for a new nest. Back then, she hadn’t pieced it together fully, but she knew they needed to leave.

What Lurks in the Mud [Fantasy][Noncon][Worm/Tentacles][Dark]

Kahlea placed another clump of herbs into a light wicker basket slung around her shoulders. The basket was already nearly full, though she had been out for barely half a day. That morning she’d decided to set off west of the village, instead of going east like she normally did and it had paid off handsomely. She’d been told many times by the elders of her village not to bother travelling west, as there was little between their hamlet and a large bog that ran for many miles, which the young woman was forbidden to enter. But she knew with winter drawing closer there would be an influx of illness and the herbs would be well needed. Now she stood, looking at the thicket of trees that marked the edge of the swamp, and the murky water between them.

The Dragon’s Slave [Fantasy][Noncon][Dragon][Breeding]

The girl bounced excitedly up and down, her animal moans filling the dark cavern. She was once a princess, though that memory was just a faint shadow that fluttered around the back of her mind, trying its best not to be erased. Most of her other memories had already fallen away, difficult to hang onto in her clouded mind. Why she’d been taken here, how long she’d been here, even her name. All slowly eroded by the new thoughts that took their place.

Her lover was a dragon. She knew that much. Slamming down, she took his twin cocks all the way, biting her lip as she anticipated what was next. Each shaft was nearly the size of her arm, and when they were deeply embedded in her ass and pussy like this, she swore she could feel them in her stomach. It had been hard taking them at first, but over time her previously virgin holes were remoulded to his shape. But even though the feeling of being completely filled was amazing, it was what she anticipated next that was rewriting her mind with pleasure.

A Forced Offering [Fantasy][Noncon][Mind Control]

Olivia coughed and sputtered, her lungs emptying themselves of water. Her head pounded as her wits slowly returned to her. There were only flashes of the previous day that came through; half-remembered events unfolding out of order. A storm. Lightning. A sinking ship. Finally, a beach. She began to take in her surroundings as the puzzle pieces connected. Then, like a flood, realization set in. Her hands were bound by thick ropes, but otherwise she was completely naked, her pale skin reflecting the pale moon overhead. She was being dragged along the ground, but it wasn’t until she looked up at her captors that she realized what danger she was in.

The two monstrous things pulling her were only human in the vaguest of shapes. They were short and gangly, with long thin limbs that were tipped by sharp talons. Every inch of them was covered in short black fur, and they wore no clothes except for crude masks which were little more than half-shells of coconuts with holes for eyes. Fear kept Olivia still as they dragged her, zigzagging through palm trees. She was nearly twice as tall as the creatures, but she was bound and without a weapon, and knew it would take only seconds for their dirty claws to slice her to ribbons.

The Fishmen’s Catch [Fantasy][Noncon][Fishman][Group]

Rodyne grunted, biting down hard on the salty seaweed rope that was tied through her mouth. It had all happened so fast; the idyllic morning she’d spent fishing seemed impossibly long ago now. That peaceful facade had been broken in a flurry of panic and water as her boat was flipped and she was taken. They were savage and unnatural beasts that attacked her, but she’d only gotten a proper look at them when they hauled her, half-drowning, to a strange beach. It was inside a cave, which had walls covered in strange glittering crystals that reflected the light from a hole in the ceiling high above them.

Her mind was brought back to her captors as one sidled up behind her. She couldn’t tell if they were descended from men or fish, being a strange amalgamation of the two physically. Their long limbs ended in webbed hands and feet, covered all over in silver-black scales. Their heads were almost entirely fishlike though; tiny midnight-black eyes staring beadily out over thin lips that barely concealed mouthfuls of razor teeth. One was inches from her face, rank breath heavy in her nose as it held her arms still. The others, several dozen of them, were scattered around the chamber of the cave, staring statue-still and deathly silent as the one behind her lined itself up.

The Werewolf’s Prey [Fantasy][Noncon][Werewolf][Dark][Knotting]

Sharla ran as fast as she could. Her legs burned and her long dress was torn but the countless branches she’d crashed through on her headlong rush through the forest. She’d been visiting her brother’s farm but stayed too long into the night. He had warned her of the dangers of the dark woods, but Sharla was stubborn and had refused his offer for her to stay the night. She wished now that she hadn’t.

She didn’t know what exactly she was running from, but she knew it was a race for her life. A beast was chasing her, the hulking mass she’d only seen a shadowy glimpse of dwarfed her petite frame. She could hear it snarling behind her, slowly catching up to the panicked girl. She let out a shriek as her foot tangled in a root that ran across the rarely-travelled path. She hit the ground hard, the air forced from her lungs, but that was the least of her worries. The beast was upon her.

Vanna and the Spider’s Lair [Fantasy][Insect][Oviposition][Noncon]

Vanna struck an impressive figure silhouetted against the evening sun. She looked every bit the warrior woman she was, riding atop a majestic black horse. She was a woman of the north, fierce and wild, and her attire matched. She wore nothing but a short skirt and enough leather to cover her chest and sword arm. The rest of her -midriff, legs, and arms- were exposed, giving glimpses of the muscle that corded her lithe frame and the healed lash-scars that ran down her back. Her blonde curls framed a deep scowl, from which azure eyes burned. She adjusted her corded girdle; reassuring herself that the long sword fastened to her slender hips hadn’t also been stolen.

Capturing the Princess [Fantasy][Noncon][Monster][Lizardman][Dark]

Shael sprang upright as the sounds of screaming rang out through the camp. She huddled, gathering the fine silk bedsheets around herself. Her tent was as lavish as possible, with great silk tapestries hanging down, the fierce scowl of lynx carefully embroidered into them. Down pillows were heaped on the floor in between finely crafted couches and hand-carved tables. She was one of the heirs to the throne of Lagari, and they spared no expense, even on emissary missions.

She retreated even deeper into the blankets as the sound of steel crashing against steel intermingled with the shrieks. Her camp was guarded by the finest soldiers her father’s money could buy, but she had never been anywhere near a battlefield herself. She reached over with a shaking hand to her nightstand, retrieving the short dagger from inside. Its handle was inlaid with glittering rubies, and she grasped it with white knuckles.

Before long, the fighting outside seemed to come to a stop. Shael waited anxiously, fidgeting with the blade until she heard a sharp knock against the wood frame of her tent.

The Beastman’s Love [Fantasy][Monster][Beastman][Noncon][Dark]

Krimmon crouched, staring silently at the girl. She was bent over and wore only by a loose sundress that danced in the breeze. She slowly picked the tiny red flowers that grew in patches across the mostly-barren steppes, oblivious to his presence. He had hidden at the edge of a wood, using the trees as shelter. He knew she had no way of spotting him from this distance, but his new, magical eyes had a clear view of the petite blonde he knew so well.

Her name was Emily. She had lived next door to him in a small nearby village, but Krimmon was sure she’d never paid him any notice. She was too lovely to be with someone so vile and ugly as him. Her golden hair fell across her shoulders with the majesty of a waterfall, framing a soft face that Krimmon was sure was sculpted by the gods themselves. Now though, he knew she would be unable to resist him. That was the magic he’d gained, after all, having made a dark deal with a sorcerer that lived in that very wood. *Irresistible to women he desired*. His body had been transformed, bones cracking and flesh reshaping, until he no longer resembled himself at all. He was a beast now. At first, he had been furious with the witch. How was he to be irresistible with cloven hooves, or the long ram horns that had sprouted from his skull? He had wandered, dejected, unable to return to his home. If only he knew then.

Kala’s Wedding Day [Fantasy][Dark][Monster][Noncon]

Kala spun, twirling her dress playfully. It was pale red and woven through with delicate desert flowers, as was the tradition in Camor. She turned to her mother, who was beaming a proud smile at the young woman.

“I still can’t believe you’re getting married.” The older woman said, dabbing at her tearful eyes with a handkerchief.

“Believe it or not mother, you need to hurry or we’ll miss it!” Kala said, jokingly shooing her mother away. Before she had a chance to turn, Kala reached out and planted a kiss on her wrinkled forehead. They shared a silent smile and then her mother was off.

Camorian weddings were simple affairs compared to the lavish parties held in other countries, but there was still a great degree of ceremony to them. Kala’s heart fluttered as she opened the door, stepping out into her garden. She was careful not to drag her dress across the sand as she approached a large cactus plant, blooming with bright purple flowers.