[F/M][Inc] Collision: an encounter between particles, resulting in exchange or transformation of energy.

*Fuck me like the world would end, hurt me like I’ll never see you again.*

*Shake my world, put me upside down, inside out, dissociated, dopaminated. Blurred out from reality; time and space dissolving in my hands like sand, your eyes that won’t leave mine, your breath directed at me, our body heat enveloping us in a mist.*

*Rob me of my vanity, insanity; put me on my knees, pray you’ll never leave.*

*Make me forget my name, my faith, my 50 shades of grey. Make me forget who I am, who you are, let it just be us becoming one. Let the world build up, fall apart, let the earth break in 2 if it shall, but never let go of my hand like this night.*

*Fuck me like you love me, you want me, like I’m the only one you can see, you can feel, the only thing your self believes. Love me like you fuck me, with primal passion and haste, with your unleashed lust coming at me like a wave. It’s an atomic reaction, an anatomic attraction that turns me blind, deaf, and weak, so I get on my knees, you fill me up with your seed. I’m reborn again, didn’t know I was gone but you make me know where I really belong. In your arms, you inside, me on top or you behind, it doesn’t matter as long as I feel your skin pressed against mine.*