Please compare our stories?

My partner and I decided to have a little competition and try to write an erotic story. We couldn’t reach a consensus on whose was better, so wanted to put it to the vote to anonymous strangers! :) Please bear in mind we don’t have much writing experience, and haven’t done this before. It’s also really embarrassing. Mine certainly isn’t very good, but I won’t say which it is. So… here:

**Story 1**:

A dim but insistent light gradually began to filter through. Eventually she stirred, opening her eyes, confused as the light started to resolve into gradient, to shapes, to a room. Memory took longer, but the soft sheets and warm bed took the sting out of the panic – clearly, lost no longer.

The girl stirred, tried to sit up, fell back. A wave of dizziness rolled over her, as she caught a mug with her arm, which spiraled off the night stand, rung off the floor and skittered away. As it faded, it was replaced, the opening door flooding her vision with light.