I fucked [M]y [F]riend all over her sister’s house

*Context: After my childhood friend [helped me get over my ex](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xt0yk9/my_childhood_friend_helped_me_get_over_my_ex/) and we had [multiple](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xtowba/i_came_in_my_friends_ass_minutes_before_her/) other [adventures](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xuo6aq/i_fucked_my_friend_on_the_forest_floor/) together, we decided to have our last tryst at her sister’s house during the first few days of Spring Break.*

The sprawling foyer of the house opened up before us as Emma and I stepped across the threshold, duffel bags in hand. Emma had lucked into house-sitting for her sister Laurie over Spring Break, and Laurie’s income as a dentist had been put to very good use. Plenty of expensive amenities and intricately decorated rooms, on top of her in-ground swimming pool. Emma had already regaled me with a bunch of ideas for how we could make good use of every square inch of this place.

“Wow,” I marveled, looking around at the *avant garde* sequence of open-concept rooms.

“Yeah, no joke,” Emma agreed, brushing past me and striding up the stairs. “On one salary, too! Whoever she ends up wifing will be a very lucky woman.”

I fucked [M]y [F]riend on the forest floor

*Let me just begin by saying that I’m overwhelmed by the positive response to my [previous](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xt0yk9/my_childhood_friend_helped_me_get_over_my_ex/) two [stories](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xtowba/i_came_in_my_friends_ass_minutes_before_her/) about my time with Emma. To settle the matter once and for all: no we did not get married, but we remain very close friends to this day. She’s married to a dear friend of mine and I love them both very much.*

*With that said, I do want to acknowledge that I only have three more stories about Emma that I think are worth sharing for a broad audience. Of course, we ended up having numerous amorous encounters during our five-week fling, but most of those were pretty straightforward and writing about them, cathartic though it might be, would get a little repetitive.*

*What I appreciated most about Emma was her ceaseless love of adventure, which made itself readily apparent in the bedroom. But today’s story is about a time when she took that love out of the bedroom, and into the great outdoors.*

I came in [M]y [F]riend’s ass minutes before her parents showed up

[As I’ve written previously](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xt0yk9/my_childhood_friend_helped_me_get_over_my_ex/), near the end of my college days my childhood friend and apartment neighbor Emma helped me get over my ex by fucking me senseless. That first night with her is still surreal and it’s one of my most treasured memories.

However, that wasn’t the last time the two of us fooled around. The next morning, we disentangled ourselves, showered up, and had breakfast together. She made some apple pancakes that were only marginally less mind-blowing than the sex.

As we cuddled on the couch clutching mugs of coffee, I broached the question that I had been afraid to ask all morning.

“So… what’s next? What are we now?”

She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me quizzically. “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” I felt my face growing red from embarrassment. “We… I guess…. we had sex… are we still friends?”

She laughed, shaking her head slightly. “Do you still want to be friends?”

“I mean, yeah, of course,” I replied, not sure how to interpret the question.

[M]y childhood [F]riend helped me get over my ex

This one comes from a few years ago when I was nearing the end of my time in college. All through the end of high school and first few years of university, I had the same girlfriend. Ana and I were the super saccharine high-school sweethearts that you normally only see in movies. She was on the swim team, I was on the soccer team, and the two of us maintained genial relationships with almost everyone we interacted with in high school. “Popular” is a loaded term, so I won’t say that that’s what we were, but we were definitely well-liked. People were generally rooting for us to live happily-ever-after and we gave them every indication that we would.

That facade persisted through our first couple years in college. I can’t exactly explain why I fell for Ana so hard in high school, but there was something about her that just felt… intoxicating. Like, I was drawn to her in a way that I couldn’t articulate. It was probably her eyes. As much as I appreciate a well-developed physique, there’s something about *eyes* that enchants me, and Ana had these beautiful blue eyes that transfixed me whenever she looked my way.