[FM] Compliance Training [Part 1] [MindControl] [Romance] [Bimbofication]

Craig was tired. In earnest, he had been tired since before quarantine hit, but he’d never admit it. He had always been a hard worker. The kind who checks emails on the weekend, vacations, 3AM. Married to the job more than he was married to his wife. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t still interested in her. Of course, he had had more sex with his right hand than with her in the last few months.

Craig had seen it start. Claire started getting lazy. She skirted on certain chores, missed meeting Craig at the airport, and their sex life had gone downhill. He was still interested, but he had to admit she’d lost some of her fire since the wedding.

But not anymore.

Craig was a man of extravagant wealth. And men of extravagant wealth had access to things that lesser men would never dream of. He’d been skimming a website, trying to find ideas for how to reignite the spark, when he stumbled onto a video series.

*Compliance Training.*

The Last Time

I lean my back up against my driver’s side door. A breeze cuts through the parking garage, prompting me to pull my denim jacket tighter to my body. My menthol hangs loosely from my lips as I shove in the cool summer evening. I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and check it.

*Three minutes away.*

I shiver again. Not because of the cold, but because of memories. I can’t help but think about when times were simpler for both of us. I quickly open my messages and type out a text to a different recipient.

*Be home in 30. Finishing up at the office now. I love you*

The trademark sound of the text being sent echoes in the empty parking garage. Just as another breeze cuts into the open air, I hear a screech of tires a couple of levels below. I can only assume it to be him. I pull the cigarette out of my mouth, crouch down, and snuff out the embers on the pavement. I walk over to the nearby cigarette refuse bin and tuck the butt end inside.

[Draft] Prologue and Chapter 1 – A Wilderness Retreat

**Prologue: Arrival**

Our old Jeep Wrangler sputtered to a stop in front of the wooden gate. Charles sat silently for a moment as rain battered down on the old hardtop. I nervously fidgeted with my rings as we waited.

“Come on, isn’t someone supposed to be here to let us in?” he grumbled with obvious frustration. I started to speak, but he laid on the horn instead.

“Charlie, calm down. This is supposed to be a peaceful place. I don’t-“ he shot me a single, piercing look, one I had seen enough times to be quite familiar with, so I shut up.

“Look, Mary. I just want to get inside and get this fucking weekend over with. We can work out our problems on our own, we don’t need some hippie ass natural medicine therapy to-“ Charles’ voice cut off as the gates before us shuddered. “About time.” he huffed.

A petite figure in a heavy rain coat approached the driver’s side, hand up to block the headlights as the rain battered the hood. The figure reached Charles’ side and knocked on the window. He rolled it down, not too far but enough to converse.