[MF] If You Want Love, We’ll Make It

Not that long ago I was dating a lawyer, we’ll call her Em. She was a litigator and she was gorgeous, the kind of lawyer you see on NBC at 9 p.m. on a Wednesday night; long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, a nice toned body with a pair of legs that you could spend hours wrapped up in. She was more than beautiful though, she was deeply intelligent and challenged me in a way that I’d never really been challenged before. We both loved arguing for the sake of arguing and I think that was part of what made our relationships so electric, the tension.

We’d been dating for a few months when the holiday season rolled around and with work, family, etc we thought it’d be nice to get away for a week and decompress with each other. We hadn’t vacationed together yet due to work schedules so it seemed like it was time. I inherited a large cabin in West Virginia from my great uncle on a huge piece of acreage so we decided that would be remote enough for us. The Friday after Thanksgiving we hopped on a flight to Dulles and were there in the early afternoon. One rental care and two hours on the road and we had arrived.

[M]y [F]irst Time with an Asian Girl

We’ll call her V.

We were on similar course tracks in college and shared a few classes together. We were friendly but never flirty, at least no in my opinion. She was Vietnamese, short and cute but her defining feature was her huge rack. They were big D’s or maybe even DD’s which were just exaggerated by her 5 foot frame. She had a boyfriend who was also Vietnamese. She never talked about him but I knew about him from her Facebook profile which I would visit to beat off to her bikini photos.

We shared a late research class, it started at like 6 or something and ran for about 2 hours which meant we got about a 15 minute break halfway through. When the professor released us for our break I went out and found a small couch in the hallway and plopped down. V was right behind me and sat right next to me, and I mean right up against me right before she leaned her head down on my shoulder. I didn’t really think anything of it, I relegated myself in her friend-zone at that point since she’d already had a boyfriend. She sighed and commented on how boring the class was and she wasn’t wrong.

[MF] Handjob on the Train

I have a bit of a sordid sexual history so if this story works out I’ll be sure to post more.

It was late on a Fall Friday evening when I stumbled into the train station. I live in a large metropolitan city in Northern California, I’ll let you put the rest of that puzzle together on your own. I took a seat on one of the large, round benches next to a young lady with short, dyed red hair tied up in a blue bandana.

She looked over at me an gave me a polite smile. “Heading home so early?” I asked.

“Yeah. Pretty lame night.” She said in a tone that anyone overhearing would have implied we were old friends.

“Ugh.” I replied in mock exasperation. “Fuck lame guys.”

She laughed. “I don’t, that’s why I’m heading home.”

“East?” I asked.

“Unfortunately.” Came her response.

It was at that moment near another bench about 20 feet away I spotted a mouse scurrying across the platform towards a bench with an unsuspecting man sitting on it.

“Holy shit that’s a big mouse.” I said causing her to look.