A Conversation Starter… [NSFW] [Prompt]

Something I drafted as an introduction for /u/thatpuckslut that I thought I’d share.

Unfortunately it’s not finished; I keep varying between endings (some public, some private, some solo, some gangbang). As I’m stuck, if you like the writing style message me a few prompters people and I’ll grab one that takes my fancy and finish it off :)


The candlelight etched your shadow in charcoal against the wall. Where the shadows of flame writhed, your stillness underscored your fineness of form… an elegant leg here, a traipsing shoulder there… Pert. Poised. Perfection.

Dinner had been so wonderful. Clad in an elegant gown, you’d enjoyed watching my eyes graze on your legs; repeatedly you’d captured my eyes rebounding from my wine, wandering, searching, seeking for the subtlest hint of pale flesh – be that the shadowed half-moon of your buttocks, orbiting hallowed orbs of your breasts or probing for the slightest glimpse of your leg or even the dusky mound of your pubis. You’d drawn it out, a lingering touch on my arm here, a stretched leg there, suggesting enough to raise hope without the glamour of reward… culminating in an impulsive gift: a pair of slick, silken threads whispered from your nethers and eased elegantly onto my throbbing lap.

To sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there’s the rub… [NSFW] [M/F] [Outdoor] [Anal]

Something I wrote for someone here, as a dirty pen-pal… I didn’t get a reply, but thought it was good enough to share.

Thunder rumbled ominously in the background as lightning jagged its way up to the stars.

The clouds rolled slowly from the north, pendulous bellies dragging their way across a hostile landscape. My eyes dragged over the plain ceiling; heavy weights hauled on failing legs. My mind wandered… I remembered another storn, the time electricity danced on my skin, each hair erect straining for the night skies. As lightning trembled at the corners of my eyes, I remembered…

The wind tore into the trees, a surreptitious howl of primeval fury. I walked stiffly against the breeze, buffetted, beaten, blown from my course. Overhead the clouds raced, bearing their flickering children to the horizon. The moon roused then plummeted home, defeated. Your message had been typically cryptic: “tonight, 18th tee. 8:00pm”

The wind swept my face, its rough hands stroking against my stubble as I crested the fairway. I had determined that you meant the golf course near my old house; I had guessed you meant the hillock rearing its coarse head against the wind. 8:00pm had been easy though. You always liked to toy with me like that, remind me that you could be simple, a counterpart to your wicked wit and wanton ways.