Apprentice and Beast [MF] [bd] [ds] [nc] [mdom] [World of Warcraft]

***Apprentice and Beast*** [MF] [bd] [ds] [nc] [mdom] [World of Warcraft]

World of Warcraft themed literotica. Night elves, inexperienced druid apprentice, predatory feral druid out in the forest. Could become a multi-parter. Wrote it a while ago, filled with tense issues.


Even as her body toiled and twisted against the restraints that kept her off the ground, Ydin well knew it was all futile. This trap had been set long ago. Her body had been given away—everything leading up to it, for the predator that stole her, was just a formality, a nuisance.

Rumors were supposed to just be rumors. Fluff, pointless chatter to fill up the space. In the market under the stars of her sylvan village, she had heard the talk about her instructor’s supposed brother. They say the two were prodigies, mastering the Druidic arts of shape shifting early, casting their bodies into the forms of birds, snakes, and wolves, prophesized to put their little village of Hildt on the map. Something happened—it depends upon the gossiper—and one of the brothers turned evil. Now he supposedly spends his time prowling in the thick of the arcane forests, eating fellow elves and summoning creatures of shadow. A bogeyman. An explanation for those who occasionally fall prey to a stray orc and are never seen again.