[M] Army Medics in the Field

First time post so bare with me.
Currently in my second enlistment In the infantry and recently got back from a three week field event that absolutely sucked the entire time except for one moment that made it all worth it.

So we were running a lane to assault a building and at one point I ate shit (I’m a big guy it’s hard to move well lol) and slammed my face into the dirt. No big deal finished the lane no problem but had a crushing headache so I hit up the docs to get some pain medicine to knock it back a bit and our platoons medic is a very attractive tiny woman who’s super nice. I’ve seen her checking me out before and vice versa but nothing ever happened for it. Anyway I get the medicine and she says to come back if it starts hurting more. Fast forward to about 10pm and my heads killing me again so I go to the station to grab some more pills and she’s the only one up so she helps me out and checks my head again and she says “well there’s still no bleeding so that’s good” and I’m tired af and in pain so not really thinking I say “well yeah we been out here for two and a half weeks all the bloods somewhere else at this point” I realize what I said and immediately regret it.