[MF] Taking full advantage of my company office and the conference table

I’ve been a long time lurker so I decided to make a throwaway account to chronicle the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done.

Okay, so this happened in November 2019, pre-covid era. Little background: I’m in a conservative country which is what makes this story extra ridiculous, we obviously have the more progressive metropolitan cities where people are more open to sexual adventures where this happened.

About me: I’m 5’10 decently handsome better than average size for my country and I was pretty fit pre-covid when this happened.

So back then I was working at a tech start-up, had a few hookups and one night stands after parties, nothing to brag about but this time I decided to try tinder, got a few matches, got a decent match, she looked good, caramel skin, black hair, I’d say about 5’5 a bit thick but not chubby by any means, decently big boobs. Let’s call her Sara. Now, I’ll admit I like skinny girls with small boobs, that’s just my type, but she seemed pretty interesting in meeting up and it turned out she was studying in my college that I graduated from so I immediately knew what to do, I texted her to meet me a bar right next to the college which all the students frequented, that would refresh the old days for me too.