Desperate for Good Grades

So I’m female and currently 23 but this happened when I was 17.

So it was my senior year of highschool, everything was going well for the most part in the way of school, sports, and friends. But towards the very end of the year, I really started to focus more on sports and my grades started to slip. I quickly found myself at the end of the qaurter with one assignment left to bring my grade up in the one class that needed it. Sadly this assignment was an essay and I really did not feel like writing one.

So I talked to one kid in the class who had done my homework several times in the past. Usually it was just small things with the occasional proof reading of something. But this time I was desperate and I need him to write the whole thing. So I asked him for help and he said no. I was pretty surprised since it had never happened before but I had to respect his choice, to an extent.