[F] sharing experiences from when I was passed around between a bunch of [M]’s. Also my first threesome.

I tried to post this in SluttyConfessions but it was removed because apparently the automod thinks I’m trying to hookup, which I’m not. I’m just trying to turn other people on by telling them about one of my sluttly phases.

This all happened in the year after school finished, we were all 18/19. I’ll use names but they’re all fake. I’m 21 now.

So while we were still at school (and not minors, although we didn’t have sex yet so hopefully that doesn’t matter) I hooked up with Aaron several times, but we never slept together. After high school I still hooked up with him occasionally but also started hooking up with Brian, who I did sleep with. I used to sometimes hang out with both these guys separately with nothing happening, just two friends hanging out. So one day when I was at Aaron’s and Brian showed up, I didn’t think anything of it. We watched some dumb movie, I can’t even remember what it was now and then Aaron stepped out for some reason, I think it was to let his dog out. Brian and I started making out. We were still making out when Aaron came back in the room and saw us on his bed. So he tried to join in. I felt his hands on me, but as soon as Brian realised what was going on he jumped up, started freaking out and left. Aaron was super apologetic but I was super turned on and blew him for the first time.