Welcome to college: Freshman initiation with the senior sorority president [MF]

The freshmen on the team all stood in a circle outside on the basketball court, laughing nervously at what we’d just seen. The seniors had called us to the baseball house for what we thought was a team meeting to settle some differences in the squad, but it turned out to be an initiation ritual. They’d set it up for days, and we thought we were all fucked, in trouble, until they revealed that it wasn’t real and it was just a ritual sort of bonding exercise they did every year.

The seniors explained that we’d been doing this since the 70’s but that we were an especially scared bunch. I stood there and thought to myself that this was as good of a way as any to welcome freshmen to the program. I was happy to be there, I’d been an excellent player in high school, but didn’t exactly have college offers rolling in. But once I got into the school, the coaches agreed that I was worth taking a flyer on, since I was already going to be there anyway.

The Intern Who Helped Me Get Over My Ex [MF]

A few weeks out from the summer associates coming, I got an email from the firm’s Recruiting Coordinator:

“Hey Paul, your mentee this summer is Peyton [redacted]. She goes to [a top law school], and she’s interested in your practice group. We have lots of events this summer, so hopefully you can make it to most of those, and obviously answer all the questions she might have. Thanks!”

I was only a first year associate, and I was excited to have the summers come. Free coffees and lunches as long as I used the firm AmEx, firm events where the alcohol flowed freely in more ways than one.

I’d been in a funk for months, and I was looking forward to a summer of blowing off steam and maybe helping me get over Maddy. As I mentioned in my last story, we’d dated for our senior year in college, then we did long distance on opposite sides of the country as she entered med school and I went to law school. Long distance was challenging, especially with our busy schedules and navigating the time differences, but we made it work, and it’d made us even closer.

Trusting Me to Take Her Virginity [MF]

“Paul, I want you to be the one to take my virginity. This has gone on too long, I just want to have sex one time before we leave college.”

How do you respond to something like that?

“Yes please”? Sounds a little too lecherous.

“Okay, alright”? Not serious enough, she’s trusting me with something really important to her here, I can’t just wave it off.

I just took a sip of my coffee and looked over at Maddy. Of course I wanted to be the one to take her virginity. She was one of my best friends, and I’d had to hear far more than I cared to hear about her boy troubles over the past few years. I wouldn’t mind if that was behind me.

Maddy was one of the first people I met in college and she’d become one of my best friends. When I first met her, she was quite shy, someone clearly trying to discover herself in college. Like me, she hadn’t had much success with the other sex in high school, and she came to college with this idea that she was going to find “Mr. Perfect,” and he was going to sweep her off her feet and she’d be happy ever after.

The girl who wouldn’t touch me in high school [MF]

I couldn’t believe it when I saw her at the one bar in our hometown, with a group of her friends, some of whom I recognized, some of whom I didn’t. The girl who tortured me for the entire four years of high school. She always flirted with me, we studied together all the time, it was to the point where my mom assumed we were dating. But we weren’t, we very much weren’t, and it was a bit of a shock to my mom that I had to invite someone else to prom.

In high school, Kendall was the perfect girl – beautiful, rich, and smart. She was in all the AP classes with me, that’s how we came to study together. Me, I was a nerd, to my core. I may not have looked like one, per se, but I was, no doubt about it. I read history books for fun, I devoured baseball statistics like I was Bill James. She wanted my help for her homework, and I was naive enough to think she wanted to hang out with me otherwise.