[FMF] Two girls, a guy, and a twin bed; AKA the best night of my life

I’ve never opened up about this before to anyone except to my ex, so I’m going to type some preface and a couple missed threesome opportunities I’ve had before I get to the story that’ll help give some context for why this night was so incredible and lucky for me (skip to the 5th paragraph for the story).

Context: I’m a 23 year old male living in a small college apartment. Ever since I was around 12-14 I’ve fantasized about being with two girls or more. My first ‘porn’ experience was looking up youtube videos where one guy was being wrestled or flirted with by more than 1 girl (had to keep it pg being in a religious household, if I was caught with actual porn I was going to be in huge trouble). I guess you could say it’s my preference, or you could call me polyamorous. One girl doesn’t really do it for me anymore, despite being with so many girls over my life. I guess you could say I’m embracing my preference for the first time.