My mother/daughter experience – by far the most bizarre fucking thing I’ve ever been involved in, and the scariest [MF]

I always preferred some sort of ongoing thing to one-night stands. Just works better for me, even if it’s only casual and for a couple weeks. One of these turned into the weirdest damned thing I’ve ever been involved in by far.

I’d known June for several years. We both worked in the resort biz in a tourist area in the Caribbean. June at first glance was kinda ugly–big nose, big thick eyebrows, eyes that stuck out, thick-lipped. But she was fun to party with and, I discovered when I saw her once at the beach, she had a killer body, beautiful and athletic–long, great looking limbs, great ass, a hint of 6 pack, great medium sized tits, really a very sexy woman. She was also extremely lively and smart, even sort of pretty when her features lit up, and really fun to party with. We’d eyed each other over the years, but I was wary of her. She was a super-heavy drinker. In an environment that was totally soaked in alcohol, she really stood out. She was very good at her job and perfectly functional, but I’d see her drink incredible quantities in late-night clubs and bars after work. I’d also seen evidence of a volcanic temper a couple times.

I order a fantastic, sexy woman twice my age and totally out of my league to suck my dick and swallow my cum–she then humps my leg till she cums [M] [MF]

Ellen and I caught each other on the rebound. We met when we both lived in a Caribbean resort area. After a nasty break up, I’d had 3-4 very unpleasant months of scrambling for a place to live, anonymous 1-night stands, way too much drinking and drugs, and more than a few times going home with some woman just for a place to sleep. This finally ended when I moved into a small apartment on the first floor of Ellen’s house. She lived in the top floor.

She’d had a recent breakup, too. A few years before this, her marriage of about 30yrs had ended abruptly. This made me realize my problems weren’t quite so awful. I was about to turn 26 when we met. She was obviously much older, though she liked to be coy about her age. I worked out on my own that she was 53yrs old.

I shack up with and fuck a woman for a week and a half and never even know her name. [MF]

I’ve almost always had an enjoyable and adventurous sex life, but it really took off with one girlfriend in particular, the first live-in relationship I had. It was hot and intense and kinky. We had little other than sex in common, though. Unfortunately it took us more than 3 years to figure that out, and when the breakup came, it was super ugly. Many of our friends had seen it coming. I didn’t, though, and I was humiliated and angry.

We lived in a resort area in the Caribbean. When we broke up, I found myself scrambling for a place to live, often driving around with my clothes and other stuff in the back seat of my car. Finding apartments there was a pain in the ass under good conditions. These weren’t good conditions. Three times I moved into places that I had to leave within a week or so due to fucked up neighbors or roommate or landlord or whatever. I could have stayed with friends, but I was deeply embarrassed and didn’t want to see any of them. One-night stands with women I don’t know have never really been my thing, but I did this regularly for a while, in part to fuck my troubles away, in part so I could sleep somewhere other that at any of my friends’ places. This made me unhappy and angrier.

I get my first taste of dick [MM] [MFM]

In my early 20s, not having anything better to do, I moved to a resort area in the Caribbean. I meant to stay a couple months, but ended up being there several years. It was beautiful, the weather was fantastic after years of brutal New England winters, and the people I met were cool. And I was getting laid a lot.

When I first got there, one of the things I did to support myself was crew on charter sailboats and other boat-related work. I became a pretty good sailor in just a few months. It didn’t pay much, but I loved sailing and could get work doing this very easily.

A woman I knew asked me if I wanted to help her boyfriend with a job he’d been offered. Someone had bought a sailboat that was in pretty poor shape. It had been anchored in a bay on the next island over for a while and needed some clean-up before sailing it back to a boatyard. The new owner would pay us pretty well to take care of it. So Scott and I planned on taking the ferry over with the gear we’d need early one morning, spending the day cleaning the boat up, and then sailing it back the following day.

My first killer adult sex, and I discover a kink I like [MF] [MFF]

My first two years of college I had a pretty decent sex life.. I was a college athlete, a slightly above average player on a small school soccer team. While I was by no means a big deal, I was in really good shape and looked it. I usually met women at bars or parties and ended up either at their room or mine, which meant that we were always working around roommates and often least a little drunk.

The beginning of my junior year, I met Cary in, of all places, the library. We were both 20yrs old. At a party I probably wouldn’t have noticed her. She had a skinny, boyish figure and wasn’t head-turningly pretty. But Cary had a beautiful head of glossy, black hair, and big, intelligent, black eyes. She was engaging and very smart. Best of all, she was extremely funny, one of the funniest people I’ve ever been around, and her humor always came with a very cute smirk. She’d joke about absolutely anything. She made me laugh a lot, usually by poking fun at me, which I loved, or at herself.

The Summer of Sucking Dick and Eating Pussy [MF]

Kami was my first long-term girlfriend. We kissed for the first time in the back row of a movie theater, and progressed to hands in pants and shirts. New England winters are cold, so we could get busy only in the theater or her car. We made each other cum with our hands and experimented clumsily with our mouths. She had two ironclad rules. First, no dick-to-pussy action whatsoever. Second, I had to tell her when I was going to cum so she wouldn’t get it somewhere she didn’t want it, like her mouth or hair or favorite blouse.

One afternoon, when the weather was better, she said we were going on a picnic the next day. I pedaled my bike over to her house. She had a blanket in her bike basket. We walked our bikes off a road a couple hundred yards to a small clearing at the edge of some woods.