two very religious boys gone wrong [M][M][Tease?][long?]

Hi, throwaway for reasons, high when I’m writing this.

This happened quite a while ago, and I’ve never really spoken to anyone about it but I’m a long time lurker and I’m sure you’ll like what I’ve got to say. + I’m high.

So a while back when I was young er, I got a chance to go do some religious work abroad along with a friend. We’re both VERY devout religious kids and there’d be nothing wrong with us going, right?

Wrong. We were horny teenagers and we would quickly find ourselves all over each, knowing what we were doing was SO wrong, which made it all the better. Here’s how it’d usually go…

Let’s say, we’d be watching a movie and I knew he was so against being gay (just as I was) I had to get him in the mood for it. So I’d start at 12am, just slowly caressing his leg for a good half an hour with my fingers and when I knew he was enjoying that I’d slowly go above his knee, feeling his ever so soft thighs. I’d tickle him, he’d laugh and tell me to get off. My hand would move but by then he’s jumped on top of me, furiously making out with me…