Overseas Orgy [M20,F19,M21,F21,M23]

So this happened last summer in Brazil. For some context, My name’s Jack, I’m 23, 6’2” with a fairly average build, leaning very slightly to athletic – but not by much. I’d like to think of myself as pretty funny in a self-deprecating, slightly nerdy sorta way, and I somehow managed to luck my way into sleeping with two 9/10’s in the same night.

I was lucky enough to be over in Brazil for the summer doing some work with a charity, usual stuff – you spend your days doing manual labour in the middle of nowhere, in exchange, travel for basically nothing and get good CV fodder.

The first month went very quickly, stuck in the sweltering jungle, made great friends with a lot of the other folks there. Folks from lots of different countries, maybe 20 of us in total. It was exhausting work, but the good kind of exhausting; where you don’t realize it until you’re about ready to drop. We all got along really well pretty much instantly. There was no real chemistry at this point, in fact – sex was the absolute last thing on my mind.