[F] 37. I am a mother who got her ass fucked twice so that she can afford a gaming console for her kids.

So this was back in the days when we weren’t financially that well off and my husband wasn’t making enough nor was I. It was the during the festive season and along with new clothes, both our kids asked for a gaming console which would cost quite a money.

It was the time when my firm was distributing bonuses for the half yearly. Despite my graph, I wasn’t alloted enough bonus and I took it to my immediate superior. He said that it was not in his control but he does acknowledge the work I’ve put in. So I discussed the alternative ideas like talking to the department head and such and he asked me why was I so keen on bonus this time but never was before and I told him the exact reason why.

And this time he didnt hid his intentions and put forward and offer that he’ll see me this weekend and if that happens he’ll pay the money for the console. I think he already knew my answer and I said a yes. I did went to his place that weekend and he took my ass.