Winner’s Choice [Fiction] [MF] [Mixed Wrestling] [Sex Fight] [Knockout] [Forced Blowjob]

This was a recent quick turn around story I wrote for u/hotwrestlingwife. Had a lot of fun writing it!





I sat patiently in a folding chair in the corner of the room. I had already spent the last 20 minutes spreading the plush vinyl wrestling mats across the floor, and now I was scrolling through my phone waiting tolerantly for the two combatants to join me. Eventually my wife came strutting into the room, a cocky spring in her step. She was wearing an old graphic tee she had cut into a crop top that ended just under her tits, and a pair of blue cotton panties. She skipped over to me and planted a quick kiss on my cheek before stretching on the mats.

“You ready for this?” I asked her. My eyes couldn’t help but drift down to her ass as she bent over to touch her toes.

“Of course I am,” she replied haughtily without looking up. “You don’t hold back against me, but the way I see it, this newcomer will, and that will be his downfall!…and speak of the devil, look who it is!”

Squeezed so hard they forgot where they were (Writing Experiment) [Fiction] [MF] [Str8] [Femdom] [Maledom] [Sensual] [Knockout]

*This is a bit of an experiment. I wanted to write two versions of essentially the same short story but with the roles reversed. The first is the femdom version, the second the maledom version. Let me know what you think and which one is better!*


*Story 1*

The last thing Grant could remember was spots of white light, intense arousal, and swirling darkness. After some time, or no time at all he couldn’t tell, he felt a gentle tapping on his face. His eyes opened agonizingly slowly, and blurry colors slowly filled his vision. As he blinked and refocused, he heard a sigh of relief and a voice from above him.

“There you are sleepy head!” His wife Faye exclaimed. “I got kinda scared that I squeezed you out a bit too hard there. You’ve been snoozing for a while.” As Grant’s reality came back into focus for him, the first thing he saw was his wife straddling his naked body. She was wearing a black sports bra and a matching black thong. He shook his head and cleared more of the fog. He realized that he was laying perpendicular on their bed, his head hanging ever so slightly off the edge. After a minute or so he became aware of a dull ache in his neck.

Oh how the tables have turned [Fiction] [MF] [Str8] [Maledom] [Knockout] [Creampie]

Faye slowly walked up the steps to her apartment. She was soaked in sweat and feeling completely exhausted after her run. The sun was high in the sky and there was little shade to offer respite from the heat. As she ascended the steps, she stripped off her tank top revealing a drenched sports bra. Each step was an immense challenge with her jelly-like legs. As she pulled herself through the door to her apartment, she was met with a blast of refreshing cool air. The stimulating air covered her body and Faye felt as if she was being lifted off the ground. She closed her eyes for a moment and let the air revitalize her.

“Hey babe, how was the run?” Faye opened her eyes to see her husband Grant sitting on the couch playing video games. His bare legs were crossed and resting on the coffee table. Faye eyed the definition in his calves as she took her time responding.

She’ll dominate him, any time, any place. [Fiction] [MF] [Str8] [Mixed Wrestling] [Humiliation] [Femdom] [Knockout]

“That’s not true!” Faye said while holding back a chuckle. She was standing in the kitchen cleaning dishes while her agitated husband paced back and forth in the other room.

“It absolutely is! Are you crazy?” Grant mused aggressively. “You always sneak attack me!”

“Name one time!” Faye retorted, her smile growing. Grant marched into the kitchen and looked his wife straight in the eyes, his face adorned with a look of utter shock at the question.

“Seriously? How about when you jumped me after the cribbage game? Or when you tied me down in my sleep? Or when you snuck up behind me and choked me out while I was stretching!” Faye snorted with laughter and Grant glared at her incredulously. “The fact is babe,” he said slowly, “you could never beat me in a fair fight.” Faye put down the dish she was cleaning and now it was her turn to glare.

“Is that a challenge?” She asked intimidatingly. Grant backed off slightly but held his ground.

“You bet it is,” he snapped. “We’ll settle this in an hour.” The couple shook hands and Grant walked off to prepare.

Cute Aggression…when you just have to squeeze [MF] [Str8] [Femdom] [Headscissors] [Knockout] [Footjob]

There is an emotion most everyone has experienced at one point or another called “cute aggression.” It is when you are looking at something you find so cute and adorable that you cannot help but be overwhelmed by a desire to squeeze it or sometimes even hurt it. Most of the time when we feel this emotion it is when we are looking at a kitten, or a baby. Something we know we shouldn’t hurt so we subconsciously hold ourselves back. However, for Faye, she often finds herself overcome with cute aggression when she looks at her 6’5” tall 230-pound husband Grant.

On a random Thursday after work Grant was laying on the rug in his living room. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tight polyester underpaints. His wife got cold in the middle of the day, as she typically does, so she cranked up the heat. Grant learned long ago that the thermostat was not worth fighting over, so he instead shed his clothes after work. After being sedentary for 8 hours Grant was sore and achy, so he always tried to stretch after he logged off each day. As he reached for his toes, he could her his wife laughing in the other room. She was on a Zoom call with a friend. She popped out every once and a while, but only to refill her glass of wine.

Reminding him who’s boss [MF] [Str8] [Femdom] [Feet]

Grant sat hunched over his laptop. His desk illuminated by a single dim lamp as he typed away furiously. The tired man sat back and rubbed his eyes slowly, he had been plugging away at this spreadsheet for hours and he felt like he wasn’t making any progress. He heard a quiet knock, and he turned to see his wife Faye standing in the doorway. She was wearing one of his oversized t-shirts that went down to her knees.

“You coming to bed soon?” She asked.

“Not sure,” Grant replied curtly. His eyes returning to his laptop. He felt his wife wrap her arms around him and squeeze him tight.

“Oh, come on,” she whispered sweetly in his ear. “I know how to make you relax.” Grant could feel his wife’s tongue tracing the edge of his ear lobe. He felt a tingle roll down his spine.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he gently pulled Faye’s arms off him. “I really am, but my boss has been on my ass about this report and if I don’t have it done by tomorrow, she’s going to kill me.”

Vengeful Thighs [MF] [Str8] [Femdom] [Headscissor] [Knockout]

Grant and Faye aren’t the most competitive people. All in all, they were very relaxed folk who one would say “went with the flow.” They didn’t typically bicker, and rarely ever picked on one another. In almost every way they were a perfectly agreeable couple. There was one exception though. There is a silly card game they like to play together, called Cribbage. It is a simple one-on-one game but these two take it very, very, VERY seriously. Games will get nasty. Trash talking will ensue and tempers will flare. It seems like an odd thing to get worked up over, especially for such calm people. But this was their vice. Faye is a particularly good Cribbage player. In fact, she wins 9 out of 10 games, and she loves to remind Grant of that fact. She is downright ruthless. Whenever Grant does happen to win, however rare that may be, he has to reign in his gloating, or he risks initiating a full-on brawl. But he did like to have his fun at his wife’s expense. There was one game however, where he took things a bit too far, and he paid the price.