I guess this is what I get for snooping.[F]

I was staying the night at my older brothers house and while using his laptop I started look at a folder of pictures from his wedding and I opened up an in named folder that had pictures of his ex’s and a bunch of pictures of me in bathing suits, in just my underwear, pictures up my skirt and shorts, naked pictures he somehow took of me and I few I know I or my boyfriend took. The most embarrassing was a video long video of me and my boyfriend having sex and I was pretty drunk and talking really dirty.
I never would have thought I’d find anything like this. I don’t know what to say. I’m still in shock

Boyfriends friend snapped some pics of me [F]

So we me my boyfriend and a few of his friends were hanging out drinking. My boyfriend and I went to bed and before I even finished changing for bed he had already fallen asleep. I though it would be exiting to go back out to the living room and hang out with his friends in my night gown. I had serval nip slips that just happen naturally in my night gown. While sitting on the couch next to one of his friends I asked him to rub my back and I laid on my side hoping to give him a good view. I’m guessing he liked it because a few days later I saw these pic on his phone. In one of them it looks like he maybe had a boner. I hope he did https://imgur.com/a/IfiPV

[F] My boyfriends friends [UPDATE 2]

Last update:

[F] Boyfriends friends [UPDATE] from gonewildstories

The other night we were hanging out and I we went in a hot tub. I didn’t have a bathing suit so I just wore a tank top and panties( I acted like I didn’t want to go in without a bathing suit and the truth is I did feel very exposed and was a little nervous but I really wanted to tease them). What little clothes I had on we’re practically see through. I kept leaning out over the side of the hot tub to grab drinks from the cooler so they could see my ass and I pretended not to notice whenever my nipples would slip out. I could tell they were trying not to stare. I was getting a little hot so I sat up out of the water for a few minute but before I got out of the water I pulled my panties a bit to the side so my pussy was peeking out a little. It was so exiting and there’s more… If your interested

[F] Never felt more embarrassed (accidental nudity)

We had a big family reunion party witch also included a lot of family friends. I thought it would be nice to put together pictures as a gift to give to each guest as they arrived. Later that night one of my cousins who has never liked me for some reason pulled me aside and said “next time you decide to show your ass to everyone you should at least get a tan first so you don’t blind them, haha sucks to be you. I can’t believe you haha Good luck explaining this one” I told her I didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about. I soon realized that this was among those pictures http://imgur.com/BU5frV3 my heart stopped.

[F] I don’t remember anything

I met up with friend from high school who I had not seen in a few years and was in town for the weekend from college. He picked me up and we went to a local bar and grill fora late lunch. After food and a couple drinks we went to a bar down town to meet up with a few of his friends who I also new from high school and had not seen since. Around 10pm my noticed a had two missed calls from my boyfriend so I called him and he asked if i was having a good time and if I need a ride. I said I was having fun and that I’d be home I’d get a ride home from my friend when we left the bar. We ended up all going my friends house to continue drinking. The next thing I remember is waking up alone on the couch. My bra was off and on the couch next to me but I never sleep with my bra on so I thought noting of it. I went to the bathroom and felt strangly sore when I got up an notice my pussy, but crack and panties were wet and it felt sore and it looked swollen. Just walking and getting up and down felt uncomfortable. When I got out of the bathroom they were all in the kitchen getting ready to eat breakfast . I ate and asked for a ride home. That morning no one hinted that anything happened and acted completely normal. I was to embarrassed to ask. Before leaving that morning my boyfriend called and was pissed/worried because he had been calling me all night I told him I was coming home and did so shortly after. I have not spoke to that friend since and still have no clue exactly what happened that night.

[F] Boyfriends friends [UPDATE]

Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7q9qoj/f_boyfriends_friends/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=gonewildstories

So I can’t stop teasing them now. I love “accidentally” sitting so they see up my skirt or shorts and bending over at the perfect times. Also wearing yoga pants a lot too, no bra… They have no clue I know what I know, but I hope they are enjoying the view.

[F] boyfriends friends

I recently over heard a group of his good friends including his best friend talking about me. While sleeping on the couch I woke up and could hear his friends talking about how one of them walked in on me topless once and how they would fuck me if they had the chance. They continued to talk about my body and what they would do to me. Then I heard my boyfriend enter the room and the subject matter quickly changed.
I am complete surprised by what I heard. I would have never expected that they thought of me like that. Is it wrong that I’m kinda turned on by it? Should I tell my boyfriend what they said? I’m not sure what to think but I get excited thinking about it