[MF] [Real Story] [Husband & Wife] [College] [Dramatic Prelude?] [Sex with Roommates Around] [Rough] [Short Aftercare?] Feeling the Midnight Blues.. ?

This happened about a month after [this particular episode] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7sjcfm/mf_real_story_husband_wife_college_public_and_a/).. feel free to read it and enjoy! ?

Anne was into traditional folk dance in a big way.. her Asian girl-next-door looks hid a childhood spent with relatives trained in the ways of courtesans of old. She was also generous with that knowledge and had, by this time, trained a dance troupe in her college composed of junior students. She had also spread the word and secured performing gigs with colleges across the country.

It fell to me to help her out, mainly by being escort, gofer and occasional tough guy and advisor thanks to my martial arts background. We’d been recently married as well, and I shamelessly used that as a reason too.?

We’d arrived on time at the college that invited her team to perform as part of a multicultural event. We’d all had dinner and she’d briefed her team as to tomorrow’s itinerary, and while some of them were giving me looks and nudging and winking at Anne, hinting at their willingness to give us some time together.. she decided to give everyone an early night.

[MF] [Real Story] [Husband & Wife] [Caught! Sort of] “We’re trying to give you a grand-niece!” ?

This happened about 7 years ago. My late wife and I had coordinated our work schedules and scored a long weekend together, and we decided to pay her relatives a visit.

The first relative we went to was one of her father’s older sisters. A nice lady, prim and proper as ol’ skool Asians are.. and I was frankly a little apprehensive, as I come from a different state renowned for straight-talk, uncouth turns of phrase and different ways of doing things.

Anne saw this, and put me at ease. I may sound like a potty-mouth bastard when I talk, but I mean well.. and I can (and did) ham it up if I needed to. Her hand lightly squeezing my ass as we got out of our car helped too..

We had a blast. Aunt Rina (not her real name) had prepared tea early and we had it in the kitchen, with Anne pitching in on dinner preparations as we made small talk. Preparations done, it was time for siesta. Anne and I were both tired from the trip out, and Aunt Rina (who was twice my age) must’ve needed it worse than we did.

[MF] [Real Story] [Husband & Wife] [Double Feature!] [Outdoors] Food, Fun and Fucks. ?

“Honey, can I take this off please?”

I looked down at my (now late) wife, Anne. I knew by her plea that she meant her hijab.

I hugged her a little closer. “Anyone around?”

“Nope. It’s just us.”

I nodded my consent, and she whipped it all off with a flourish. Her hair waved gently in the seabreeze and I inhaled her heady scent as I kissed her forehead. We stood admiring the scenery, then sat down on a coconut tree stump to continue taking in the glorious sunset, silently communing as only soulmates could be. Presently, we moved on to the seaside eatery complex after sunset prayers, being the first customers at the place we chose.

After a great dinner, filled with banter, laughter and light foreplay, we went back to the car. It looked like a quick rain shower was about to fall though, so we drove a short distance down the beach.

We were on each other as soon as she’d stopped the car. The front seats aren’t much room to play with, of course, and we’d gotten naked mostly by our own hands. I had an evil idea, cracked open the door and stepped out. Anne watched, open-mouthed as I let the rain soak my bare skin.

[MF] [Real Story] [Husband & Wife] [College] [Public] And a good time was had by all.. ?

It was one of those miraculous days when all paperwork seemed to solve itself and everything was on-track at the store I managed.. so I went ahead and took off a couple of hours early, on a sweet commute across town to my wife’s college campus, with some daylight left to frolic in.

“Hey honey.. I’m here on campus. Wherefore art thou?” I PM’ed her. She gave me a room number (no location sharing then) and I made a pit stop at a nearby McDonalds for a late-lunch takeaway.

Anne (my now-late wife) was singularly unique.. a woman with a steel-trap mind, a drive that matched my own and upbringing fitting her royal legacy.. wrapped inside a next-door 5’3″ curvy (36-27-34) Asian package, clothed modestly as Muslim women around here do, though with subtle hints to denote that she was her own person.

All that, and more, went through my mind as I looked around for her room.. which turned out to be her meeting place. *Being a club president has its privileges,* I thought as I sat down and ate with her, facing each other by the floor-to-ceiling glass front.

[MF] [Real Story] [Husband & Wife] [Stiletto] That’s why they’re called “fuck me” heels.. ?

This happened one glorious day about a decade ago. About a year into our marriage, my (now late) wife, Anne, decided to buy a pair of 4″ red stiletto heels to add a feminine dimension to her mainly-tomboy wardrobe. She had a curvy figure, and ass and tits that looked awesome even under her usual full-dress, hijab and flat-shoes wear.

I got home late the night before, and had the next two days off.. which meant I woke up past my usual dawn hour. I shuffled into the kitchen naked looking for some water when Anne came up to me to say her goodbyes..

“You look.. different. Like, gorgeously different.”

She flipped up her long skirt to reveal her stilettos. My half-hard morning wood went back to full mast as she stood and twirled around to show off.

“I’m glad you approve,” she chuckled as she saw me. Then she saw me make a move towards the home phone. Dialing a number from memory, I called Anne’s boss and told her that she would be coming in late.. I made a bullshit excuse about her car not starting and that a roving mechanic was already on his way with a replacement battery.