As a recent hookup came to its natural end I thought it would be a good time to post this.
My name is Cameron and I am a 30 year old white male living in NYC. For descriptions sake I am 6’2 and 190 lbs and in decent shape. Short dark hair and some facial hair. Slightly above average at 7 inches.
The story starts when Sandy (not her real name) reached out to one of my posts on reddit. We were both looking for nsa fun and quickly moved off of reddit to texting. We discovered we had a lot in common as we both worked in a similar industry and lived within walking distance to each other.
Sandy was 25 and a very pretty brunette. She is about 5’5″ with long hair and a beautiful face with dark eyes and pouty lips. She has cute little A cups with pointy nipples and an amazing ass with matching legs.
I found out that Sandy had recently broken up with her bf. From what she told me he was an absolute asshole and was very verbally abusive and would constantly body shame her among other things. Interestingly enough, her ex worked in the same line of work as me and although I did not know him personally, I know several people he works with.