To fully appreciate this story, I will give a short background of myself. I am 20 years old and have within the past year started exploring sexually with men. All of my sexual firsts were with women, and I enjoyed and continue to enjoy my experiences with females. However, within the past year I have had urges that I could no longer ignore to experience sexual interactions with men. Although I have only recently started acting out on these feelings, looking back I could tell that they were always there. From wondering what was under my basketball coach's gym shorts to picking a porno based on the male, the signs were present. Like many other things in life, I believe that sexual attraction is a scale. I don't believe there is any way you can group all men and women and label each one as straight or gay; it seems quite ridiculous to me. In regards to myself, I would say I am 75/25 in favor of women. I certainly feel attracted to certain men, but could never actually see myself being romantically involved with a man. Since I've started acting out on my feelings towards men I have had about 4 good experiences and 4 bad ones. The good ones were certainly fun, but the bad ones had me questioning what on Earth I was doing. And that brings me to my most recent string of experiences.