That night I almost got caught after a ONS…at the office [fm]

A story from a few years ago…

It was a Friday night and I had plans to meet with friends for drinks downtown. It’s funny that I don’t recall all the series of events of that night until I came across her. I’m pretty sure my friends and I started off at a different bar, making our way through the lower part of the city until we ended up at a very familiar bar where I used to DJ.

This was obviously pre-covid when on any given weekend, you’d find crowds of people hanging outside of bars, whether to get in, en route to another bar or out smoking. I remember being out with my friends who were all enjoying a smoke. I wasn’t buying cigarettes anymore but I wanted to bum one off a friend. We were all standing at the edge of the sidewalk smoking and shooting the shit when a small group of girls walk out and approach us. They needed a light and that’s when we met eyes.