[FMM] When someone does a bad job, what do you do to make up for it? You call in someone else to dominate and fuck you senseless instead.

The other night was wild y’all. So, the boyf went out last minute for work drinks and I decided I wanted cock. Before we dive in I need to mention that I’d been chatting with Nate that afternoon on the aforementioned app and it came to light that we both were on Reddit, and more than that, he’d seen, read (and enjoyed) my previous stories. So Nate, if you’re reading this then, hi!

I hadn’t wanted to be too forward with Nate but knew of another guy called Pete, who I’d also met on the app, lived locally and we’d been chatting for a while so I messaged him and asked him to come round in an hour. He agreed which gave me enough time to shower, do the hair, the make up, make sure my pussy was shaved, as well as tidy up the house. Still chatting to Nate, I told him of my plans and he mentioned he was only a short while away and what a story it would be if I had two guys in one night. My inner slut uncurled herself and I messaged him back just two letters; “ok”.

[FM] Wild Night in a Hotel

It’s been a while since I posted to Reddit, I was going to do some updates about Max as I’ve seen him a couple of times since my last post. It’s been good and fun with him, but nothing to really write home about.
Instead I’ve decided to take another dive in to my past, so strap in and hold tight because it’s (hopefully) gonna be a wild ride. Plus I don’t want these memories to be lost to the winds of time.

I want to take you back to 2009, I was young, free, single and living my best life in abroad. I worked a job that paid well, and introduced me to some friends who liked to party like me.
Let’s introduce the players:
GoldCat – everyone’s favourite Reddit sex confessionist, brunette, curvy, loves an adventure.
Jamie – beautiful, tall, blonde from NZ, quite quiet when you first meet her but I had some of the wildest fun on nights out with her.
Riley – spunky brunette all-Aussie gal and the leader of our pack.
Lance – Riley’s boyfriend, 6ft4 blonde ex-army.

[FM] The app strikes again or: How I Ended My Two Month Dry Spell

Well this time it wasn’t a married man but once again the app proved fruitful.

As the title suggests, it’s been a while since I had sex, that’s not for lack of trying but it has seemed as though the world was conspiring against me, the boyfriend isn’t interested and whilst last weeks naughty rendezvous was fun, it didn’t quite satiate me.

The other day I had a free house for the whole day as the boyfriend was off for a full day of meetings and I had that overwhelming desire for cock. I got myself on to the app and messaged Max, a guy I’d been chatting to. He wasn’t free during the day but what was my schedule looking like for the evening? I figured I could make it work so we arranged that I’d get to his place for 6pm.

All afternoon I was distracted, I doubt I got much work done at all really. There’s a side story that I should add here. There’s a guy overseas I talk to and when we Skyped I mentioned to him that I was going to get some action and he kindly (and very altruistically) suggested he warm me up. Not only do I already have a huge crush on this guy but the thought of us playing together with my vibrator before I got laid was just too good an opportunity to miss.

[FM] Fucking my boss (sorry it’s not a better title)

Something you’ll soon find out, I have a bit of a thing for men in positions of authority. Be that a boss of mine, or a policeman…positions where I’m told what to do basically.

Everything that happened takes place between 2015 and 2016 but I remember it like it was yesterday. I’d started a new job in a new industry with a friend of mine recommending me for a position so I had a lot to prove. On the day I started I was introduced to Shaun, my boss, he was late 20’s, all dark brown hair and blue eyes…my kryptonite.
We sat at a bank of desks diagonally to each other and every day I’d catch him looking.
I knew he was married and I SWEAR I tried, I tried really hard to keep my hands to myself.

He would always find a reason to come and sit by my desk and talk to me, our arms always barely touching, his gaze would linger just that little bit too long. We’d go for work drinks as a team and the end of the night would find us squirrelled away in a dark corner flirting outrageously.

[FM] Matched with a school friends husband on a cheating app

This happened about an hour ago and I’m still soaking wet with his taste is still on my lips, I’ve got no one to tell so here I am and here you are.

So, last week I got on an app for illicit hook ups and over the weekend matched with a guy (Mark) who (according to the app) lived very locally. We got chatting, and eventually moved away from the app to talk via messenger.
We’ve been talking constantly and finding out what we’re both looking for etc. The conversation got round to where we were both from and I said “born and bred right here”
“Ha, so is my wife, she’s 33 but you look younger than her”
“…I’m 33”
“Did you go to this school?”
“Her birthday is November”
“MY birthday is November…hang on, is her birthday 10th November?”
“Fuck, I know your wife, she’s the only one in my grade with the same birthday as me”

We met up briefly yesterday and fooled around in his car, kissing and bit of heavy petting. Things would have gone further but he had to go back home for dinner.

[FM] Anal in Madrid

So, this was way back in October 2011. I was visiting a friend as she was on her world tour and our calendars aligned when she was in Spain.
She’d arrived a few days before me and had met an American boy. As with all holiday romances, they fell hard and fast for each other.
We were all staying in the same dorm room of a hostel together, there were two sets of bunk beds. I was on one, they were on the other. There was no one else in our room so we were able to leave our stuff wherever.

One night we’d been out drinking and got back to the hostel. My friend and her beau clearly wanted a bit of private time together and I was happy to oblige. It was about 2am when I pulled my hoodie over my pyjamas and took myself downstairs and outside to sit on the steps and have a cigarette or two (I’ve since quit).

[FF] Fucking my boyfriends friend

I’m a long time lurker (and lover) of this sub, and I’ve decided to share my experiences.

So this happened last year just before Covid. We had a friend round (let’s call her Bianca) for dinner and drinks. She and I are openly bisexual and whilst I’m attracted to her, nothing has ever happened between us before.
We’d had a good night drinking and catching up, sort of flirting but nothing too crazy. I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was sat in my seat on my couch so I sat next to her.
It became clear she and my bf had been talking because she said to him “can I ask?” he replied “sure” so she turned to me and said “do you want to fuck me right now?”
All eyes on me, “Ummm, don’t even have to think about it…yes”

She took my hand and lead me out of the room. I took one last look back at the bf and see him with a huge grin on his face.
I needed a quick freshen up so I told her I’d meet her in the bedroom. Stood staring at myself in the mirror with my heart racing and gave myself a once over.