Angel Interrogated by a Succubus Part 3 (MF)

“Be back soon, I promise!” 

That was the last thing Miatakan said before she left Cassiel alone in his cold, stone cell again. The sneaky Succubus hadn’t even bothered to get dressed again after their passionate (and angry, on his end) fuck session just minutes earlier. 

She had seduced him against his better judgement, convinced him, an angel in the army of God, to sleep with the enemy. He had fallen prey to her wry sarcasm, physical beauty, and unbeknownst to him, a touch of seductive magic.

Now he was sitting alone, handcuffed to an uncomfortable metal chair, waiting around. He wasn’t sure what he would do if or when Mia came back. One half of him wanted to strangle her, to get revenge and try to set things somewhat right, but the other half of him wanted to feel her arms wrapped around him again, to hear her screams of pleasure as he forced her to orgasm harder than she had in millennia. 

With this battle raging in his head, he sat and waited. There was no way of telling time in the small cell, but it felt like hours before the male demon that had been assigned to guard his cell came in with some food. 

Angel Interrogated by a Succubus Part 2 (MF)

“Not half bad, angel. A deal’s a deal.”

The words quickly faded from the small, cold cell, but they carried massive meaning for their recipient. Cassiel, indeed an angel, had just made a deal with the devil (or rather, one of his creations). He was still out of breath from giving Miatakan, the Succubus currently sitting his lap, oral sex in exchange for his freedom.

At least that what he told himself. He felt almost sick to his stomach when he realized that he had enjoyed it thoroughly. He had enjoyed teasing her to get revenge for her edging him with her own mouth earlier. He had enjoyed making her moan and scream on his tongue, and he would’ve enjoyed it even without the promise of having his hands released from the semester of the metal chair he was attached to.

At first, he thought the demon wouldn’t actually release his wrists, but she soon made good on her promise. Plucking the key he had just retrieved from the depths of her womanhood out from his teeth, she set about unlocking the cuffs keeping his wrists restrained.

Angel Interrogated by a Succubus (MF)

{Bit of a slow start, so if you want to skip right to the good stuff, I put a line where it starts so you can scroll to that. Feel free to leave feedback, and I hope you enjoy!}

Thousands of years ago, before a god with a capital G was even a thought in human minds, there was a great and terrible war that puts all human conflicts to shame. This War in Heaven was fought between the armies of angels led by the archangels themselves, and the demons of Lucifer, who were invading Heaven to avenge Lucifer’s exile. The casualties of both sides measured in the tens of millions, and each side did whatever they had to to win. Anything.

As such, whenever an enemy soldier was captured, the other side made sure to milk them for as much information as they could provide. Even the “holy” side wasn’t above torturing a demon or two to get intel on where the next attack would be, or how many demons were truly left up above.

Imaginary Fuckbuddy, Part 2 (MF)

{Part 2 of a series, check out my profile for part 1 if you’re interested. Also, feel free to leave feedback, I’d greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy!}

James took a deep breath, trying to calm his still racing heart. Just minutes before, he had had the best sex of his life, and was still trying to recover. However, there was one problem: the woman he had just fucked wasn’t real.

Instead, she was made up, a figment of his incredibly bored, lonely, and horny mind created to try and alleviate his stress and general negative outlook on his life as it was. He had initially been terrified when she showed up, thinking at first that she was a person trying to rob him, and then a hallucination from some bad food.

However, she had convinced him (or rather, he had convinced himself) that she was just a product of his idle and lustful mind, made to fill the void in his life until he could find some friends or a girlfriend to fill it more permanently. She was simply a stop-gap measure, in a way. However, he couldn’t wait for her to return.

An Imaginary Fuckbuddy

A loud sigh pierced the silence of the house, the first sound besides the whirring of the air conditioner James Miller had heard since walking up. He sighed because he was resigning himself to another mind-numbingly boring day of sitting at his computer, writing code for some application he would never use in his life.

Hauling himself out of bed, he went into the kitchen of his apartment. Opening the fridge, he realized that he hadn’t left this apartment for even a moment in the last five days. He hadn’t even talked to anyone in person, just over the phone. This realization startled him, more because he hadn’t quite realized he was so isolated than the isolation itself.

After pouring himself some cereal and browsing Reddit on his phone for some sort of entertainment, he realized that his morning wood still hadn’t gone away. He had hardly even noticed the erection, since it was common for him and he never thought much of it, but usually it went away within ten minutes, maximum. But that day, it had been at least twenty, and his boner was still raging.

Making a Chilly Home Theater Much Hotter [M/F] [SubF]

“Draya, come here.”

The words are swallowed the large room, a home movie theater that could easily seat fifty. However, the recipient of the words still hears them.

“Yes, master.”

The sound of shuffling feet can be heard on the carpet as the woman makes her way towards the speaker: her master. She has been his for a four years now, and has proven to be the only servant of her kind he has needed in those four years.

Reclining in a comfortable seat in the middle of the top row, sits one Darius Mcintyre. Like his namesake Persian emperor, Darius has spent his life fighting, conquering, and *taking*. He has fought his way up the social ladders of the elite, conquered a vast fortune for himself, and has taken whatever he wants. When Darius commands, the world obeys, and with nobody is that more true than Draya.

As she quickly but elegantly walks from her position at the edge of a lower-middle row towards her master, Darius thinks back to when he first laid eyes on her.

Categorized as Erotica

The EHSIP Program, Chapter 1 (Mind Swap+Scientific Narrator)

{So I’ve had this idea rattling around in my head for a while now, so I decided to write it out and share it with you all. Not sure how popular the detached/scientific narrator thing will be, but even if only a few people enjoy it, that’s a few people I’ve made a bit happier. Hope you all enjoy, and if you do, I’d love to hear feedback!}

Day 1 of the Experiments on Human Sexual Interactions with Partners (EHSIP). 6:00 AM Sunday, March 28th, 2021 local time:

As you know, I have been selected by The Intelligence to directly take part in the EHSIP program to gather knowledge on the inhabitants of Sol 3. The species’ members, which call themselves humans, are extremely primitive compared to us, but have shown remarkable tenacity in the face of great evolutionary odds. The Intelligence considers them to be worthy of His attention and quest for knowledge.

Scans of the planet and deciphering of their primitive networking has revealed much about their culture, a large part of which seems to revolve around their mating rituals. It has been millennia since our own species has needed to perform such indulgent things, but The Intelligence has expressed interest in the human customs.