[F]irst I[m]pressions. How I stood out on a dating app, and made it a night to remember.

(F)irst i(m)pressions! [repost]

sorry guy i had to delete the original off my main account, an ex gf saw it and was really hurt so i reposted on a throwaway. Also some people wanted to read my old stories i’ve posted.

for those interested here is my new [story](http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2dccu0/milf_anal_denial_sleep_sex_what_more_can_you_ask/)

> This is my first post on here so if you have any comments/suggestion please feel free to message me or leave a comment. I’m not the best writer but I’ll try my best, I hope you enjoy.
> I(25) met Katie(32) on okcupid and was immediately intrigued by her profile. She said she was looking for something “casual”, as well as stating that she is bi and into girls just as much as guys.

> I figured that her inbox is probably getting demolished by a million messages so I thoroughly read her profile and made sure I absorbed as much information before I responded.
> On her profile she mentioned she loved reading, good friends, music, writing, imagination and creativity.

> I knew that the message I wrote her had to be witty and grammatically correct. Whatever I said seemed to work because Katie and I began messaging nonstop.

Started with a glance, (f)ollowed by a whisper, ended with a (m)urder.

I apologize but this is going to be a little long as I’m going to add the back story on how I met Christine and how she came into my life and then, eventually came home with me. I spoke to her about writing this, and she agreed on writing her own versions of events we came to share. So I hope you guys enjoy, if you want to skip to the good stuff then skip to the ***

Thursday night is girl’s night here and the clubs are usually swarming with a lot of girls which means it’s a great nigh to go out. My roommate and I usually go out just to say hi to our friends in the industry and enjoy the eye candy as we drink, converse, and meet new people. While drinking with our bartenders and talking I notice a girl with purple hair pass by me with her friend. I wasn’t going to be a creep and follow her to say hi, or start a conversation so I just enjoyed the view, and went back to drinking.