Stay at my side Ch.19 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [talking about first time] [comforting]

Chapter 19: brotherly duties

[Chapter 1](

How did the subject change to blowjobs this fast? I would lie if I’d say that I wouldn’t like it, but it was unthinkable that I would demand something from Casey let alone do something that would hurt her. I wasn’t naive enough to think that every boy had this mindset, but that even Casey thought it would be right that she needed to do these things, if I wanted to, left me a little shocked.

I remembered, that she wanted to make me blush and decided to get revenge on her. She still had the Banana in her hand, which was covered in her saliva. I took it out of her hand and bit off the tip. I didn’t care about the saliva. We had kissed each other. It didn’t matter whether she had the banana in her mouth.

That was my way of thinking. Casey still blushed. “Who is blushing now?” Casey didn’t look at me. She pressed the side of her head against my chest and tightened her hug. It seemed like she needed to get something off her chest. “Everything okay?” I asked her. After stroking her head for a while she finally began to speak. “Is it really okay for you to wait? You have needs too and if you want to I guess it would be okay for me.”

Stay at my side Ch.19 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [cuddling] [(failed)BJ with banana]

Chapter 19: It’s not impossible to understand women, you just have to be a genius.

[Chapter 1](

Cuddling felt different after we kissed. It wasn’t just the comforting warm feeling I got from this. I needed it. I just wanted him as close as possible to me.

He was already cuddled up close to me. I could even feel his heartbeat on my back. His legs laid behind mine and there was clearly space for improvement. I lifted mine and spread them a little. Luckily Matt quickly understood. We locked our legs, which felt way more intense than expected. I slightly pressed my legs together and it almost felt like we were holding hands. Just with our legs instead.

I doubted that we could get any closer. Well, maybe if we wore less and got more skin-to-skin contact it would be more intimate but I just wanted to enjoy this level of relationship first. Relationship? We weren’t even in a relationship, or were we?

Stay at my side Ch.18 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [cuddles] [waking up together]

Chapter 18: Fulfilled

[Chapter 1](

I always imagined the heart as a place you needed to fill with the love of the people around you. When you are just a child, the love of your parents is more than enough for that. Growing older, your heart gets bigger and you need to find friends to not have an empty space in your heart.

I never had that many close friends but with Matt at my side I never had a lack of it. I also had my parents and Mia with me and I never imagined that one of these three could vanish one day.

I didn’t even told Matt what has happened at home. I wasn’t ready to speak about it now. Remembering how my parents made their own kids responsible for their failed marriage had ripped a hole in my heart not even Matt could fill.

I hurt so much that I sometimes even thought, that I would throw up. And this even though I still got Matt and Mia.

I didn’t wanna know what would happen with me if I were to lose one of them. Mia would stay with me, she was my sister and Matt would also stay with me, as a best friend. At least for the next years.

Stay at my side Ch.17 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [kissing] [cuddles] [comforting]

Chapter 17: The feelings we have

[Chapter 1](

“The real torture is that you wanna do more but are afraid of it.” Casey was the first to say it out loud. We’ve been laying like this for the last ten minutes, neither proceeding nor going back. Now Casey had created an opportunity for me to give both of us the confidence that we needed. “I know, I mean I want it too, but I think you know that already.” She nodded slightly. “That’s not the problem, it’s… what happens with us after that?” She sounded a little worried and I could totally relate to that. Loosing her was one of the only fears I had and being in a relationship with her would increase the risk of that.

The thought alone was enough to develop a heavy feeling in my chest. I had to press Casey a little against me to compensate that. I felt her arms wrapping around my neck as she did the same, except much harder. She even was shaking a little. “I just don’t wanna loose you.” Her voice was shivering. It felt even harder to proceed after she said that but I knew that one if us had to do it. I continued the sentence for her. “…but you wanna be with me?” I knew the answer but her answering this question had the purpose to give her confidence, not me and it worked way better than expected.

Stay at my side Ch.16 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [teasing] [romantic] [pushing the boundaries]

Chapter 16: Friends can be jealous, right?

[Chapter 1](

“Many would say that this is already a relationship
thing. I mean cuddling and the other stuff we do.” She was right. I could understand why others thought that this kind of stuff was not for friends. They were all the same. Either players, with a new girl every month or virgins who never even touched a girl. Both of these groups could only see physical contact as a sexual thing. There were some people who understood the comforting part of cuddling but they were pretty rare.

“They got no idea. It’s their problem they only know the sexual aspects of this.” I felt Casey smiling a little on my chest. “Well, not everyone can be as lucky as we are.” She shortly lifted her head and kissed my chest through the fabric of my shirt. It was more jokingly than a real kiss but it still was nice. “Why do we kiss each other that often?” She was almost laughing about it. “I don’t know, it got more in the last time but I think it started when we were like 13 or 14.” She thought for a moment and then remembered. “Yeah right, fucking truth or dare. Didn’t Lily have a crush on you, so she let Daniel dare you to kiss her on the cheek but he let you choose between her and me?” I was surprised about, how well she remembered that. “Exactly, the problem was, that I couldn’t stand Lily at that point and you didn’t want me to kiss her, too, right?” The last part just came out of my mouth. I was pretty sure that it was true but I never told Casey I knew that.

Stay at my side Ch.15 [M/F] [Friends] [changing clothes] [comforting]

Chapter 15: A normal friend

Why could I say such things so casually? I was just rambling, did I even say it out loud? “I promise.” He just said it. It was initially just a dumb thought of me and he had every right to doubt my mental functionality right now, but he really took me serious. I relaxed my grip and felt how I slit down a little. That was when I noticed that he was carrying me. How could I not have noticed this and how long was he already doing this? It somehow felt nice but I was probably too heavy for him.

I let go off him and placed my feet back on the ground. He still held me and I laid my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, I tried to forgot what happened at home. Home? This place wasn’t a home anymore. It was the same house but there was no feeling of home anymore. The only feeling of home I got was right here. In Matt’s arms. No matter how anxious I was, he always made me feel safe.

Stay at my side Ch.14 [Friends to lovers] [parents divorce] [comforting] [carrying]

Chapter 14: Parents and kids

[Chapter 1](

I was waiting in the car. Sophie initially sat in the back but moved to the passenger seat after Casey and Mia had left. We didn’t know what was happening inside but we hoped that they would find a solution. We weren’t naive enough to think that we wouldn’t need to comfort them this night but this wasn’t avoidable. Neither of us had a problem with that. I got closer to Casey in these two days and it was somehow sad, that it happened under such circumstances.

Our hopes vanished when the house door flew open and an angry Mia stomped out of the house. She quickly went to the left backseat and slammed the door shut. “Come here!” She pointed to the seat next to hers. Sophie hustled to change back to her seat. From this distance, I could see that Mia had tears of anger in her eyes. My instinct said that it was just her way of being hurt and it was better not to argue with her. My sister had reached the right backseat and Mia instantly wrapped her arms around her waist. She put her head on her lap while facing her stomach and hid it under her shirt. Sophie seemed quite surprised about the affection she got and carefully laid a hand on her head. I couldn’t see Mia’s face because she faced away from me and her head was under my sister’s shirt anyway. I looked at my sister. She understood. I wanted to know whether Mia was already crying or not. Sophie nodded and I turned back around.

Stay at my side Ch.13 [comforting]

Chapter 13: we need to talk

[Chapter 1](

“Hey guys, we made… lunch” I looked through the door and saw Casey laying in my brother’s lap. Their faces were almost touching. It seemed like I should have knocked before bursting into his room.

The two looked at me, as if I had caught them in the middle of sex. Well, they were both virgins and I doubted that they kissed each other before so this was a little more intense for them. Matt reacted way quicker than Casey. Even though I hated to admit it, but my brother wasn’t dumb. He always found a solution to anything and that often really quick. “We’ll, be down in a sec, we are doing homework, you know?” “Practical Biology or what? Well, you won’t need more than a minute.” We were both pretty quick-witted, which often lead to really funny arguments. Our Parents didn’t even stop us in situations like this. They just enjoyed the show.

Stay at my side Ch.12 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [cuddling]

Chapter 12: A cutie

[Chapter 1]( [Chapter 11](

I used her boobs as a pillow! I knew that I should focus on other things, but the thought that I just cuddled my face against the chest of one of the hottest girls in school left no space for anything else. It wasn’t just that it felt really good, which it definitely did, but that Casey almost forced me to do this. It was by far the biggest proof of trust I ever got from her. Are you really thinking about her boobs while she needs comfort?!

It wasn’t like I did nothing for her. I kissed her forehead and was stroking her cheek. I could allow myself to think about other stuff while doing this. I didn’t even know why she needed comfort right now, but maybe I should focus on her now.

Stay at my side Ch. 11 [M/F] [friends] [cuddling] [accepting feelings]

Chapter 11: Acceptance

[Chapter 1]( [Chapter 10](

I didn’t know why I even asked him this question. There was one, pretty obvious, answer but neither of us wanted to say it out loud. This couldn’t be true. Matt has always been my best friend and nothing more. When did this even happen? You don’t fall for someone you’ve known for so long in a matter of seconds, right?

This was too much for me. He was already hugging me but I needed more. I climbed onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt safe in his arms. Nothing could hurt me here, not even my own dumb feelings. “It’s alright Casey, you would also feel this if you touched yourself there and you aren’t in love with yourself, right? I just count as a part of you in this case because we know and trust each other this much.”
A nice thought. Matt could be right, this doesn’t need to mean anything. We were both relieved that he found another answer to my reaction because we were both afraid of the other one.