Stay at my side Ch.30 [18M/18F][Friends to lovers][Planning a date (little stressful)[mentions of: Sickness and minor reluctance]

Chapter 30: Preparations

“Matt you still owe us an explanation!” I’ve been able to flee from this for now almost four days but I guess that was now over. Cornered in the gymnastics hall, I sighed and looked into the faces of my friends. Curious wasn’t even close to what they were. They would probably torture and kill me if I didn’t tell them about what happened between me and Casey.

“Okay guys, I give up.” I wouldn’t tell them everything but I couldn’t deny that something happened.” “I began by summing up what has happened before they caught me through voice chat but left out the part where we kissed. None of them knew that I had a guest room so I gave that as a reason why we shared a bed. “And with sharing a bed I mean only sharing and nothing more.”

Stay at my side Ch.29 [F18/M18][Friends to lovers][slice if life]

Chapter 29: Something new

It didn’t fit. We’ve tried every angle but neither Matt nor I could let it enter its destination. “We should try the backdoor. Maybe I can force it open.” I agreed but no matter how hard we pushed nothing happened. Matt looked at me, knowing that I would hate his next idea. “Well, there’s one more option.” “No Matt, one could hurt themself and it’s not even sure whether it will work.” Matt didn’t seem to worry much about that. “It worked for the last years and I’m experienced enough not to hurt either of us.” “You may be experienced but I am not.” “Case, trust me. Nothing will happen to you.” I gave up and agreed. I had no other choice if I wanted to get into my house…

When we were in our early teens, Matt had to be home by 10pm. He would need to catch a bus around 9:20. If he came home after school, this would be enough time but sadly my parents, especially my father, wanted my best friend to leave before dinner. As I said before, his relationship to Matt changed after we became a little older.

Stay at my side Ch.28 [18F/18M] [Friends to lovers] [teasing] [slowbuild] [oral(M->F)]

Chapter 28: Messing around

[Chapter 1](

“So then it’s Thursday?” I asked Casey. “Yeah, let’s see what you’ll come up with.” She tried to hide it but it was pretty noticeable how exited she was. She sat at my desk, doing her homework. This would probably take up to an hour someone needed to make dinner anyway so I excused myself and went downstairs.

While cooking I thought about what we could do on Thursday. I didn’t want to do some basic date. Casey and I had so many memories together and I wanted to implement some of them into this date.

Date… I still couldn’t believe that I wouldn have one with Casey. Last Thursday we’ve just been friends and now we were practically together. I guessed it just showed how long we really had these feelings and how much we needed it if this could happen so fast. I’ve always loved Casey and i’ve always known that. It even felt different from other kinds of love but I always thought it was just a stronger version of friendship.

Stay at my side Ch.27 [18F/18M] [Friends to lovers]

Chapter 27: A bet

[Chapter 1](

I realized way to late how this must have seemed to the rest of my class. I wasn’t someone to say such things because they really thought like that (atleast until now) and I wasn’t someone like Matt who could act like he was one to get an A.

I just told what I felt when I saw the word ‘love’. Of course I immediately thought of Matt and the only way I could describe this feeling by now was ‘safety’. There was much more to it but I would need to figure that out first.

By now everyone had turned around to me. Some looked surprised that someone like me said that and others seemed to understand where my sudden understanding of love came from. Isabel, my desk neighbor leaned over to me. “Seems like someone got experience on that topic.” She really didn’t mean to tease me. Isabel was one of these girls you just couldn’t hate. She said some stupid stuff sometimes like this but never ment to hurt anyone. She was just interested.

Stay at my side Ch.26 [18M/18F] [Friends to lovers] [cuddling] [missing each other] [repost]

Chapter 26: The meaning of love

[Chapter 1](

As good as it feels to go to sleep with someone you love, it doesn’t change how hard it can be to wake up. Matt’s alarm was definitely not a good one to wake up to. We looked at each other irretated and I let my head fall back onto his chest. “Do we have some time left?” I mumbled into his chest. I really wasn’t in the mood to get up now. “My alarm goes off a bit too early so we can cuddle a bit if you want.”

Relieved, I hugged him and closed my eyes again. He began stroking my hair and I needed to focus not to go to sleep again. I thought about what has happened this weekend. I probably experienced more than in all my lifetime until now. Ignoring the bad things I thought about last night. The thought of how careful Matt was made me smile a little. I remembered how I woke up later and got the idea of returning that favor to him. He needed to help me at one point but overall I was surprisingly satisfied with my performance.

Stay at my side Ch.25 [18M/18F] [Friends to lovers] [Handjob] [(almost)Blowjob] [cuddles] [aftercare]

Chapter 25: Thank you

[Chapter 1](

I woke up in the middle of the night. First thing I noticed was that Casey was awake. She has sat up and her hands were placed to her sides. One on the mattress and the other one on me. On my dick to be exact.

I doubted that she even noticed this. Did she have a nightmare again? I also sat up and tried to put my arms around her. “Case? Everything…” I didn’t got to finish my sentence. She turned around and laid a finger over my mouth. She was smiling. “Shhhh, you stay down there. Let me do that.”

Let her do what? Before I found out what she meant, I got pressed onto the mattress by her with one hand. The other hand glid softly over my crotch. “What are you doing?” I asked her. She looked me into the eyes. “Thanking you. You didn’t have your fun this evening and I want us to be even.”

I’ve never been so speechless in my entire life. Casey was sitting beside me, naked, pushing me down while resting her hand on my dick. It was hot, somehow. I still didn’t have a boner. I was probably too surprised to be horny but that didn’t stop Casey from starting to rub my cock through my pants.

Stay at my side Ch.24 [18M/18F] [Friends to lovers] [kissing] [reach-around masturbation] [teasing] [exploring sexual feelings]

Chapter 24: A helping hand

[Chapter 1](

If one word could describe all this it would probably be ‘chaotic’.

Casey still had tears in her eyes and all over her face, but the way she looked at me didn’t say ‘sad’. Her eyes were full of love and she smiled a little. Her mouth was slightly opened and she drooled a bit. I wished it away with my hand and let it rest on her cheek.

It felt hard to not pull her in for another kiss. As I said everything felt a little chaotic. She cried just some minutes ago and now she sat in my lap with neither panties nor pants and we were making out.

Resisting the urge to do these things has been easy while she was still Casey, my best friend. Even after we kissed and I accepted that I felt more for her it was mostly love. Little did I know that she could awake such a desire in me.

Stay at my side Ch.23 [18M/18F] [Friends to lovers] [comforting] [crying] [kissing] [making out]

Chapter 23: How to comfort your best friend

[Chapter 1](

I didn’t know how long I’ve slept. I laid in Matt’s bed but he wasn’t there anymore. I still wore the bathrobe. It almost felt like he was still holding me and I smiled when I thought about how he tried to cover me up but accidentally revealed my breast. It was so sweet how he cared about not making me uncomfortable, even thought I started to like this intimacy. He obviously liked it too but always tried to hide it.

While thinking about my best friend I asked myself where he was. I sat up and looked through the room. There he was. Sitting at his desk and doing some with his PC. He turned around as soon as he heard me. “Morning sunshine.” He said jokingly. I rubbed my eyes and put some hair out of my face. “How late is it?” I mumbled half yawning. “7 PM, I finished your homework to prevent other incidents.” He had turned around to his PC.

My brain took a while to process the information. I felt a wave of relief after he had said that my homework was finished. Usually I would think that I needed to learn it in my own but these circumstances allowed and exception.

Stay at my side Ch. 22 [18M/18F] [friends to lovers] [cuddling] [slight touching]

Chapter 22: like light and shadow

[Chapter 1](

Wet strains of blonde hair were pressed against the side of my face. I could feel the heat, her head was radiating, through the hair, even though there was no direct skin contact.

Her arms were tightly wrapped around me. We had locked our hands and she pressed herself against me. The bathrobe wasn’t really thick and her breasts were pretty noticeable against my back.

However, I didn’t really think about it. I was still a little shocked because of her panic attack and worried sick that it would happen again. Even thought I hated to admit it, it would be pretty hard for me to protect her from this. This was caused by thoughts alone and I couldn’t be the only thing on her mind all the time. I just could be there for her if it happened.

She still sat on her own knees but most of her weight lasted on me. She was tired, of course. She didn’t mean to lean on me so heavily but I could tell that she was almost falling asleep. I knew she wouldn’t tell me that she needed sleep so I took the lead with this one: “You should maybe get some rest.” Without waiting for an answer I leaned forwards and stood up. I didn’t let her go and pulled her upwards. Luckily she didn’t resist getting carried and willingly wrapped her legs around me.

Stay at my side Ch. 21 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [Panic attack] [comforting] [sharing a bathroom]

Chapter 21: Don’t peek

Math. The hate I felt for this subject was maybe even bigger than the love I felt for Matt. I was somehow able to force the information about everything into my brain but I simply couldn’t use it. I could tell someone the definition of PI but using this information was a different story.

I sat in my best friend’s chair while he stood behind me. The words he said to me sounded like a magic spell. He tried to explain this topic to me for now nearly an hour and I could hear that even he got annoyed by it. Both of us were exhausted. It was my fault. They say, that couples should complete each other. Problem was, that Matt couldn’t be completed, he was basically perfect. Smart, good-looking, sporty, nice, and capable of handling all his problems by himself. I only slowed him down. I’ve always known that I didn’t deserve him and was a burden but now I realized how right I was with this.